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Actes du symposium europeen sur l'avenir du transport aerien a haute vitesse, Strasbourg, 6-8 novembre 1989 / organisé par L'Academie nationale de l'air et de l'espace Toulouse - Cepadues, c1990 Testo Monografico Symposium for medical and aromatic plants (1990 ; Budapest) International symposium on medical and aromatic plants - Budapest, Hungary, september 4-6, 1990 / editors P. Tetenyi, A. Mathe Wageningen - International Society for Horticultural Science, 1990 Testo Monografico Symposium Heracliteum (1981 ; Chieti) Atti del Symposium Heracliteum 1981 / a cura di Livio Rossetti Roma - Edizioni dell'Ateneo, 1983- Testo Monografico Symposium internacional de historia de la masoneria espanola (4 ; 1989 ; Alicante) Masoneria, revolucion y reaccion - 4. Symposium internacional de historia de la masoneria espanola - Alicante, 27-30 de septiembre de 1989 / J. A. Ferrer Benimeli (coordinador) Alicante - Instituto de cultura Juan Gil-Albert (Diputacion de Alicante) etc. , 1990 Testo Monografico Symposium international de géomorphologie (1971 ; Liegi-Caen) Symposium International de géomorphologie consacré à l'étude des processus périglaciaires pour l'expérimentation en laboratoire et la mesure de la dynamique sur le terrain - Liège-Caen, 1-9 julliet 1971 Liège - Université de Liège, 1972- . Testo Monografico Symposium international James Joyce (5 ; 1975 ; Parigi) Joyce & Paris - 1902.....1920-1940.....1975 - Actes du Cinquième Symposium International James Joyce, Paris 16-20 Juin 1975 / textes rassemblés par J. Aubert et Maria Jolas Paris - Éditions du CNRS ; Villeneuve-D'Ascq - Publications de l'Université de Lille, 1979- . Testo Monografico Symposium Nacional del comite para la prevencion y tratamiento de las depresiones (5. ; 1989 ; La Toja) La depresiones en el anciano - 5. Symposium Nacional del comite para la prevencion y tratamiento de las depresiones - La Toja (Pontevedra), 26 y 27 de Mayo de 1989 Barcelona - Espaxs, 1990 Testo Monografico Symposium of mathematic and its applications (3. ; 1989 ; Timisoara) Proceedings of the third symposium of mathematic and its applications - 3-4 November 1989 Timisoara, Romania - S.n., 1990 Testo Monografico Symposium of the division of petroleum chemistry (1989 ; Miami) The hydrocarbon chemistry of FCC naphtha formation - proceedings of the symposium of the division of petroleum chemistry, inc., Americah Chemical society, Miami, Florida, September 10-15, 1989 / edited by Herman J. Lovinj, Lloyd A. Pine Paris - Technip, 1990 Testo Monografico Symposium on african folk models and their application (1987 ; Uppsala) Personhood and agency - the experience of self and other in African cultures - papers presented at a Symposium on African Folk Models and Their Application, held at Uppsala University, August 23-30, 1987 / edited by Michael Jackson and Ivan Karp Uppsala - (Uppsala University ; Washington - distributed by Smithsonian Institution Press, 1990 Testo Monografico Symposium on airway obstruction and inflammation (1988 ; Firenze) Airway obstruction and inflammation - present status and perspectives - Symposium on airway obstruction and inflammation - Florence, November 30-December 2, 1988 / editors D. Olivieri, S. Bianco Basel etc. - Karger, 1990 Incluso in > Progress in respiration research Testo Monografico Symposium on applications of NMR in biopolymers (1988 ; Los Angeles) NMR applications in biopolymers / edited by J. W. Finley, S. J. Schmidt and A. S. Serianni New York, N.Y. ; London - Plenum press, (©1990 Incluso in > Basic life sciences Testo Monografico Symposium on automation in mining, mineral and metal processing (6. ; 1989 ; Buenos Aires) Automation in mining, mineral and metal processing 1989 - selected papers from the 6. IFAC Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina 4-8 September 1989 / edited by V. Koppel Oxford (etc.) - Pergamon, 1990 Testo Monografico Symposium on craniofacial growth (16. ; 1989 ; Ann Arbor, Michigan) Craniofacial growth theory and orthodontic treatment - the proceedings of the (16. Annual symposium on craniofacial growth - February 24-25, 1989, Ann Arbor, Michigan / editor David S. Carlson ; editorial associate Andrea Ferrara Ann Arbor, MI - Center for human growth and development, the University of Michigan, (©1990 Incluso in > Craniofacial growth series Testo Monografico International Symposium on differential games and application (4. ; 1990 ; Helsinki) International symposium on differential games and applications - preprints / eds. Raimo P. Hämäläinen and Harri Ehtamo Helsinki - Otaniemi, 1990 Testo Monografico |