Pagina nr. 3598 di 3832 |
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Time - experiences, perspectives and coping-strategies / Göran Westergren Uppsala - Uppsala universitet , 1990 Testo Monografico Westerhall, Lotta Den svenska socialrätten / Lotta westehäll Stockholm - Norstedts, (1990) Testo Monografico Westerhout, Niccolò - van Concerto per Violino e Orchestra Niccol van Westerhout , (1961-1990) Monografia di Musica (manoscritto) Westerhout, Niccolò - van RONDE D'AMOUR , (1961-1990) Monografia di Musica (manoscritto) Westerlund, Lars De politiska sekreterarna i Finland - regeringens informella samordningsmekanism / av Lars Westerlund Åbo - Åbo Akademis Förlag, 1990 Testo Monografico Westerlund, Lars Opublicerade pro gradu-avhandlingars och motsvarande examensarbetens allmänna tillgänglighet i Finland, Sverige, Norge, Danmark och Island - offentlighet, sekretess, upphovsrätt, utlåning, kopiering, citat / Lars Westerlund Åbo - Åbo Akademis Förlag, 1990 Testo Monografico Westermann, Claus Die Klagelieder - forschungsgeschichte und auslegung / Claus Westermann Neukirchen-Vluyn - Neukirchener, ©1990 Testo Monografico Westermann, Claus The parables of Jesus in the light of the old testament / Claus Westermann ; translated and edited by Friedemann W. Golka and Alastair H. B. Logan Edinburg - T and T Clark, 1990 Testo Monografico Westermann, Claus Salmi - generi ed esegesi / Claus Westermann Casale Monferrato - Edizioni Piemme, 1990 Testo Monografico Westermann, Diedrich Practical phonetics for students of African languages / D. Westermann and Ida C. Ward ; introduction by John Kelly London ; New York - Kegan Paul international in association with the International African institute, 1990 Testo Monografico Westermann, Harm Peter BGB Sachenrecht / von Harm Peter Westermann Heidelberg - C. F. Muller juristischer Verlag, 1990 Testo Monografico Westermayer, Hans ABC der Lohnverrechnung - mit vielen ausgearbeiteten Beispielen und zahlreichen Tabellen / von hans Westermayer Wien - Industrieverlag P. Linde, 1990 Testo Monografico Western European Geological Surveys - Working Group on regional geochemical mapping Pilot project report - geochemical mapping of Western Europe towards the year 2000 / Western European geological Surveys, Working group on regional geochemical mapping ; compiled by A. Demetriades, J. Loctura, R.T. Ottesen (Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n.), 1990 Testo Monografico Western workshop on acute lymphoblastic leukemia (1988 ; Tapatio Springs, Texas) Acute lymphoblastic leukemia - proceedings of a Wyeth-Ayerst-UCLA Western workshop on acute lymphoblastic leukemia, held at Tapatio Springs, Texas, November 29-December 2, 1988 / editors Robert Peter Gale, Dieter Hoelzer New York, N.Y. - Wiley-Liss, (©1990 Incluso in > UCLA symposia on molecular and cellular biology Testo Monografico Westfalisches Museum für Naturkunde (Münster) Geologie und Palaontologie in Westfalen / (Westfalisches Museum fur Naturkunde) Munster - Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe, 1983- Pubblicazione Periodica |