Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1990 (5 di 5)

Pagina nr. 3703 di 3832       

Wynne, John
An abridgement of Mr Locke's Essay concerning human understanding - 1731 / John Wynne ; with a new introduction by G. A. J. Rogers
Bristol - Thoemmes, c1990
Incluso in > Books relating to John Locke - (first series)
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Wynne, John
An abridgement of Mr Lockes essay concerning human understanding / John Wynne
Bristol - Thoemmes, c1990
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Wyoming conference (2. ; 1989 ; Grand Teton)
The interstellar medium in external galaxies - summaries of contributed papers - proceedings of the second Wyoming conference ... held at the Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, July 3-7, 1989 / edited by D.J. Hollenbach, Harley A. Thronson, Jr
Washington - NASA, 1990
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Wyre, Ray
Women, men & rape / Ray Wyre ; Anthony Swift
Sevenoaks - Headway, 1990
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Wyschogrod, Edith
Saints and postmodernism - revisioning moral philosophy / Edith Wyschogrod
Chicago ; London - The University of Chicago Press, 1990
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Wyse, Lois
Funny, you don't look like a grandmother / Lois Wyse ; illustrated by Lilla Rogers
New York - Avon Books, 1990
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Wyse, Lois
Seconds / Lois Wyse
New York - Crown, 1990
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Wyss, Johann David
Le nouveau Robinson Suisse / Jean-Rudolphe Wyss ; traduit, corrige et mis au courant de la science par P.-J. Stahl et E. Muller ; {vignettes par Yan' Dargent} ; nouvelle edition conforme a l'originale, et prefacee par Jean Carriere
Paris - Ramsay/J.J. Pauvert, copyr. 1990
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Wyss, Johann David
The swiss family Robinson / by J.D.Wyss ; afterword by Elizabeth Janeway
New York - Signet classic, 1990
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Wyss, Laure
Mutters Geburtstag - Notizen zu einer Reise und Nachdenken über A. - ein Bericht / Laure Wyss
Zürich - Limmat Verlag Genossenschaft, ©1990
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Wytenhove, Henry
Reynaud Levieux et la peinture classique en Provence - Nimes, 1613 - Rome, 1699 / Henry Wytenhove ; Preface d'Antoine Schnapper
Aix-en-Provence - Edisud, 1990
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Wädekin, Karl-Eugen
Communist agriculture - farming in the far east and Cuba / K.E. Wadekin
London - Routledge, 1990
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Wädekin, Karl-Eugen
Communist agriculture - farming in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe / Karl-Eugen Wadekin
London - Routledge, 1990
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Wöhrle, Georg
Studien zur Theorie der antiken Gesundheitslehre / Georg Wöhrle
Stuttgart - Steiner, 1990
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Wöhrle, Georg
Studien zur Theorie der Antiken Gesungheitslehre / Georg Wohrle
Stuttgart - Franz Steiner, 1990
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