Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1991 (4 di 5)

Pagina nr. 122 di 4667       

Ayer, Alfred Jules
The central questions of philosophy / A.J. Ayer
London - Penguin books, 1991
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Ayers, Michael
Locke / Michael Ayers
London ; New York - Routledge, 1991
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Ayers, Michael
2- Ontology / Michael Ayers
London ; New York - Routledge, 1991
Incluso in > Locke / Michael Ayers
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Ayler, Albert
Love cry / Albert Ayler
(New York) - Impulse , (1991)
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Aymans, Winfried
Beiträge zum Verfassungsrecht der Kirche / Winfried Aymans
Amsterdam - B. R. Grüner, 1991
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Aymans, Winfried
1- Einleitende Grundfragen und allgemeine Normen / Winfried Aymans
Paderborn - Schoningh, 1991
Incluso in > Kanonisches Recht - Lehrbuch aufgrund des Codex iuris canonici / Aymans, Morsdorf ; begrundet von Eduard Eichmann ; fortgefuhrt von Klaus Morsdorf ; neu bearbeitet von Winfried Aymans
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Aymes, Jean-René
La guerra de Espańa contra la revolución francesa (1793-1795) / Jean René Aymes
Alicante - Instituto de cultura 'Juan Gil-Albert' ( Diputación de Alicante), 1991
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Aymone, Renato
Circostanze crepuscolari / Renato Aymone
Napoli - Edizioni scientifiche italiane, (1991)
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Aymonino, Aldo
Funzione e simbolo nell'architettura di Louis Kahn / Aldo Aymonino ; prefazione di Antonino Terranova
Roma - Clear, 1991
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Aymé, Marcel
La jument verte / Marcel Ayme
Paris - Gallimard, 1991
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Aymé, Marcel
Le passe-muraille / Marcel Aymé
(Paris) - Gallimard, stampa 1991
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Aymé, Marcel
La Vouivre / Marcel Ayme
(Paris) - Gallimard, stampa 1991
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Ayosso, Antonio
Quaestionum in universam naturalem philosophiam / Auctore D. Antonio Ayosso
Neapoli - ex Regia Typographia Aegidii Longhi, 1636
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Ayoub, Mahmoud Mustafa
Islam and the third universal theory - the religious thought of Mu?ammar al-Qadhdhafi / Mahmoud Ayoub
London ; New York - Kegan Paul international, 1991
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Ayren, Armin
Meister Konrads Nibelungenroman / Armin Ayren
Munchen - Deutscher Taschenbuch, 1991
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