Pagina nr. 3635 di 4667 |
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Societe, politique et etat dans la perspective de la sociologie systemique de Niklas Luhmann / Nicolas Hayoz Geneve - Université de Genève, 1991 Testo Monografico Hayry, Heta The limits of medical paternalism / Heta Hayry London ; New York - Routledge, 1991 Testo Monografico Hays, William L. Statistics / William L. Hays Fort Worth etc. - Harcourt Brace College, ©1991 Testo Monografico Haystack Observatory Conference (3. ; 1990 ; Westford, Massachusetts, USA) Atoms, ions, and molecules- new results in spectral line astrophysics - (proceedings of the 3. Haystack Observatory conference on atoms ... (held in)Westford, Massachusetts, USA, may 23-25, 1990) / edited by Aubrey D. Haschick, Paul T.P. Ho San Francisco, Ca. - Astronomical Society of Pacific Testo Monografico Haythornthwaite, Philip J. Uniforms of Waterloo in color, June 16-18, 1815 / Philip J. Haythornthwaite ; color illustrations by Jack Cassin-Scott and Mike Chappell New York - London - Sterling, 1991 Testo Monografico Hayton, David J. Cases and commentaries on the law of trusts / Hayton and Marshall London - Sweet & Maxwell/Stevens, 1991 Testo Monografico Hayton, David J. Cases and commentary on the law of trusts / Hayton and Marshall London - Sweet & Maxwell ; Stevens, 1991 Testo Monografico Hayward, Jack After the French revolution - six critics of democracy and nationalism / Jack Hayward New York etc. - Harvester wheatsheaf, 1991 Testo Monografico Hayward, John (1564 -1627) The first and second parts of John Hayward's the life and raigne of King Henrie 4. / edited with an introduction by John J. Manning, M. A., Ph. D London - Offices of the Royal Historical Society, 1991 Testo Monografico Haywood, John Dark Age Naval Power - A re-assessment of Frankish and Anglo-Saxon seafaring activity / John Haywood London and New York - Routledge, 1991 Testo Monografico Haywood, Richard Wilson Analysis of engineering cycles - power, refrigerating and gas liquefaction plant / R. W. Haywood Oxford etc. - Pergamon , 1991 Testo Monografico Hazard, René Actualites pharmacologiques / publiees sous la direction de rene Hazard et Jean Cheymol Paris - Masson Testo Monografico Hazareesingh, Sudhir Intellectuals and the French communist party - disillusion and decline / Sudhir Hazareesingh Oxford - Clarendon Press, 1991 Testo Monografico Hazaël-Massieux, Marie-Christine Bibliographie des études créoles - langues, cultures, sociétés / Marie-Christine Hazaël-Massieux ; avec la collaboration de R. Chaudenson et D. de Robillard Aix-en-Provence - Institut d'études créoles et francophones ; Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - CIRELFA ; Paris - ACCT ; Paris - Diffusion Didier Érudition, stampa 1991 Testo Monografico Hazell, Peter B. R. The green revolution reconsidered - the impact of high-yielding rice varieties in south India / Peter B.R. Hazell, C. Ramasamy ; with contributions by P.K. Aiyasamy ... ed altri Baltimore ; London - The Johns Hopkins University press, c1991 Testo Monografico |