Pagina nr. 2900 di 3844 |
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L' opera italiana nel Settecento / Reinhard Strohm ; traduzione dal tedesco di Leonardo Cavari e Lorenzo Bianconi Venezia - Marsilio, 1991 Testo Monografico Strohmeier, Martin Al-Kulliya a - ala?iya in Jerusalem - Arabismus, Osmanismus und Panislamismus im ersten Weltkrieg / von Martin Strohmeier Göttingen - Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft ; Stuttgart - F. Steiner, 1991 Testo Monografico Strohschneider-Kohrs, Ingrid Vernunft als Weisheit - Studien zum spaten Lessing / Ingrid Strohschneider-Kohrs Tubingen - Niemeyer, 1991 Testo Monografico Stroik, Thomas S. Path Theory and Argument Structure / Thomas Stroik Bloomington - Indiana University Linguistics Club, 1991 Testo Monografico Strole-Buhler, Heike Das Restitutionsedikt von 1629 im Spannungsfeld zwischen Augsburger Religionsfriden 1555 und dem Westfalischen Frieden 1648 / Heike Strole-Buhler Regensburg - S. Roderer, 1991 Testo Monografico Strolin Franzini, Anna Le trasformazioni geometriche con il computer - un approccio informatico alla geomteria del piano / Anna Strolin Franzini ; introduzione di Cesare Maioli Brescia - La scuola, ©1991 Testo Monografico Stroll, Mary Symbols as power - the Papacy following the investiture contest / by Mary Stroll Leiden (etc.) - E. J. Brill, 1991 Testo Monografico Strolz, Marc Maria Ronald Dworkins These der Rechte im Vergleich zur gesetzgeberischen Methode nach Art. 1 Abs. 2 und 3 ZGB / Marc Maria Strolz Zurich - Schulthess, c1991 Testo Monografico Stromback, Thorsten The cost of low levels of English proficiency amongst immigrants in the work force / Thorsten Stromback, Alison Preston Canberra - Australian gov. pub. service, c1991 Testo Monografico Strombeck, Donald R. Small animal gastroenterology / Donald R. Strombeck, W. Grant Guilford London - Wolfe publishing, c1991 Testo Monografico Stromboli conference on aging and cancer (2. ; 1990 ; Stromboli) Physiological senescence and its postponement- theoretical approaches and rational interventions - second Stromboli conference on aging and cancer / edited by Walter Pierpaoli and Nicola Fabris New York (NY) - New York academy of sciences, 1991 Incluso in > Annals of the New York academy of sciences Testo Monografico Stromstedt, Margareta Församlingen under jorden - roman / Margareta Strömstedt Stockholm - MånPocket, 1991 Testo Monografico Strong, Barry R. The economy of the spirit in ecumenical perspective / auctore Barry R. Strong O.S.F.S. Rome - s. n. , 1991 (Roma - Tip. poliglotta) Testo Monografico Strong, J.A. Basic digital electronics / J.A. Strong London (etc.) - Chapman and Hall, 1991 Testo Monografico Strong, Josiah Studies in the Gospel of the Kingdom - a course of study on living social problems in the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Series no. 1 / Josiah Strong, D.D., editor New York, - The American institute of social service, 1910- Pubblicazione Periodica |