Pagina nr. 4591 di 4666 |
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, 1991- Pubblicazione Periodica Doklady akademii nauk ukrainy - nauckyj zurnal prezidiuma an ukrainy. Matematika, estestvoznanie tehniceskie nauki Kiev - Naukova Dumka, 1991- Pubblicazione Periodica Doklady Akademii nauk Ukrainy. Matematika, estestvoznanie, tehniceskie nauki Moskva - Naukova dumka, 1991-1992 Pubblicazione Periodica Doklady Akademija Nauk SSSR - Zurnal osnovan b 1933 gody. Serija Geologija Moskva - izdatelstvo Nauka, 1967- Pubblicazione Periodica Doklady biochemistry - proceedings of the Academy of sciences of the USSR - biochemistry section - a translation of Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR New York - Consultants Bureau, 1964-1993 Pubblicazione Periodica Doklady biological sciences New York (NY) - published for the National science foundation by Consultants bureau, 1957- Pubblicazione Periodica Doklady chemistry - proceedings of the Academy of sciences of the USSR. Chemistry section New York (NY) - Consultants bureau, 1963-1992 Pubblicazione Periodica Doklady physical chemistry - proceedings of the Academy of sciences of the USSR. Physical chemistry section New York (NY) - Consultants bureau, 1963- Pubblicazione Periodica Doklady. Biological sciences - proceedings of the Academy of sciences of the USSR - a translation of Doklady Akademy nauk SSSR - a publication of the Academy of sciences of the USSR New York - Consultants bureau,1964- Pubblicazione Periodica Doklady. Botanical sciences - proceedings of the Academy of sciences of the USSR - a translation of Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR - a publication of the Academy of sciences of the USSR New York - Cosultants bureau, 1964- Pubblicazione Periodica Doklady. Mathematics / Russian Academy of sciences ; a translation of the Mathematics section of Rossijskaja akademija nauk, Doklady akademii nauk Providence - AMS, 1992- Pubblicazione Periodica Dokumenta Bartokiana / (hrsg. von D. Dille) Budapest - Akadémia Kiadō, 1964- Testo Monografico Dokumentation der Ausstellung / herausgegeben von Andreas Nachama, Gereon Sievernich Berlin - Berliner Festspiele ; Frankfurt am Main - Judischer Verlag - Suhrkamp, c1992 Incluso in > Judische Lebenswelten / Berliner Festspiele Testo Monografico Dokumentation der Austellung - Alfonso Hüppi, Platino, Pere Noguera, Carles Pujol, Gianni Colombo, Silvio Wolf, Robert Fones, Robin Collyer, Ange Leccia, Jean-Luc Vilmouth Stuttgart - Cantz, 1992 Incluso in > Carambolage - Biennale der Partnerregionen 1, Baden-Wurttemberg, Katalonien, Lombardei, Ontario, Rhone-Alpes - Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden- Baden, 5.9-25.10.1992 / °Herausgeber- Jochen Poetter ... et... Testo Monografico Dokumentation der Vertreibung der Deutschen aus Ost-Mitteleuropa / In Verbindung mit Werner Conze, ... ?ed altri? ; bearb. von Theodor Schieder ; Herausg. von Bundesministerium für Vertriebene Berlin - Bundesministerium fur Vertriebebe, Fluchtlinge und Kriegsgeschadigte, 1955- Testo Monografico |