Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1992 (2 di 5)

Pagina nr. 358 di 4667       

The environmental professional - the official journal of the National association of environmental professionals
Alexandria - NAEP in cooperation with Civil engineering department, University of California, Berkeley
Pubblicazione Periodica

Environmental progress
New York - American Institute of Chemical Engineering, 1982-2008
Pubblicazione Periodica

Environmental protection - annex 16 to the convention on international civil aviation / (International civil aviation organization)
Montreal - ICAO, 1981-
Testo Monografico

Environmental protection and the law of war - a 'fifth Geneva' convention on the protection of the environment in time of armed confict / a cura di Glen Plant
London ; New York - Belhaven, 1992
Testo Monografico

Environmental quality - twenty-second annual report of the Council on Environmental Quality
Washington D.C. - U.S. G.P.O., 1992
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Environmental regulation - its impact on foreign investment / editor Dennis Campbell
London etc. - Graham & Trotman ; Nijhoff, 1992
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Environmental regulations handbook / a cura di Kenneth M. Mackenthun e Kacob I. Bregman
Boca Raton etc. - Lewis publishers, c1992
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Environmental remediation - removing organic and metal ion pollutants - developed from a symposium sponsored by the division of industrial and engeneering chemistry, Inc., at the 201st National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Atlanta, Georgia, April 14-19, 1991 / G. F. Vandegrift editor, D. T. Reed editor, I. R. Tasker editor
Washington - American Chemical Society, 1992
Testo Monografico

Environmental research - an international journal of biomedical ecology
New York (NY) (etc. - Academic press, (©1968-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Environmental research center papers
Tsukuba - Environmental research center, The University of Tsukuba, 1982-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Environmental science & technology
Easton, PA - American chemical society, 1967-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Environmental social movements in Latin America and Europe- challenging development and democracy - proceedings of an international seminar-worshop, 22-23 November, 1991, organized by the Institute of Latin American studies, University of London and the United Nations research institute for social development, Geneva / edited by María-Pilar García-Guadilla and Jutta Blauert
Hull, N. Humberside - Barmarick Publications
Incluso in > The international journal of sociology and social policy
Testo Monografico

Environmental software - an international quarterly journal from computational mechanics publications
Southampton - computational mechanics publications, 1986-1996
Pubblicazione Periodica

Environmental surveillance of wild poliovirus circulation in Europe - report on a Joint WHO/NPHI meeting - Helsinki, Finland 5-6 april 1991
Copenhagen - World health organization, Regional office for Europe, 1992
Testo Monografico

the Environmental threat to the skin / edited by Ronald Marks and Gerd Plewig
London - Martin Dunitz, c1992
Testo Monografico