Pagina nr. 385 di 4666 |
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Dobbs Ferry, New York - published for the Parker school of foreign and comparative law by Oceana publications, 1993 Incluso in > Szladits' bibliography on foreign and comparative law - books and articles in English, 1988 / compiled and annotated by Vratislav Pechota Testo Monografico 2- O-Z / Mathematical society of Japan Cambridge, MA ; London - MIT press, 1993 Incluso in > Encyclopedic dictionary of mathematics / by the Mathematical Society of Japan ; edited by Kiyosi Ito Testo Monografico 2- Paris - Les Belles Lettres, 1967 Incluso in > Lettres / Saint Gregoire de Nazianze ; texte etabli et traduit par Paul Gallay. - Paris - Les Belles Lettres, 1964-1967 Testo Monografico 2- Pars secunda complectens libros De ortu, & interitu, sive de generatione, & corruptione.. Anconae - ex typographia Camerali, 1671 Incluso in > Summa phylosophica septem partibus comprehensa... auctore admodum R.P. fr. Petro de Comitibus romano ... Pars prima (-quinta) Testo Monografico 2- Part 3. / J. Romilly Allen and Joseph Anderson Balgavies (Angus) - The pinkfoot press, 1993 Incluso in > The early christian monuments of Scotland / J. Romilly Allen and Joseph Anderson ; with an introduction by Isabel Henderson Testo Monografico 2- Parte 2 Italia - C.I.C., 1993 Incluso in > I dieci comandamenti / Cecil B. De Mille Audiovisivo 2- Parte seconda / Renato Brotzu Nuoro - Editrice Archivio fotografico sardo, 1993 Incluso in > Guida ai funghi della Sardegna / Renato Brotzu Testo Monografico 2- pesni 26 Moskva - Nauka, 1993 Incluso in > Neistovyj Roland / Ludoviko Ariosto ; perevod svobodnym stihom M. L. Gasparova ; izdanie podgotovili M. L. Andreev, R. M. Gorohova, N. P. Podzemskaja Testo Monografico 2- pesni 26.-46. / Ludoviko Ariosto Moskva - Nauka, 1993 Incluso in > Neistovyj Roland / Ludoviko Ariosto ; perevod svobodnym stihom M. L. Gasparova ; izdanie podgotovili M.L. Andreev, R. M. Gorohova, N. P. Podzemskaja Testo Monografico 2- Plates Incluso in > Drawings by german artists and artists from german-speaking regions of Europe in the Department of prints and drawings in the British Museum - the fifteenth century, and the sixteenth century by arti... Testo Monografico 2- PLRE 5-66 Binghamton - Medieval & Renaissance texts & studies ; Marlborough, G.B. - A. Matthew, 1993 Incluso in > Private libraries in Renaissance England - a collection and catalogue of Tudor and early Stuart book-lists / R. J. Fehrenbach, general editor ; E. S. Leedham-Green, editor in the United Kingdom Testo Monografico 2- Proceedings (Enschede) - ITC, (1993 ) Incluso in > Third Codata Conference on geomathematics and geostatistics - June 7-11, 1993, iTC, Enschede, Netherlands Testo Monografico 2- Q to Z ; Britannica world language dictionary, parts 2 e 3. - Chicago - Encyclopaedia Britannica ; New York - Funk & Wagnalls Company, c1960 Incluso in > Funk & Wagnalls Standard dictionary of the English language, international edition, combined with Britannica world language dictionary Testo Monografico 2- Ragionamenti di / Antonio Cesri Incluso in > La vita di Gesu Cristo e la sua religione - Ragionamenti di / Antonio Cesari Testo Monografico 2- Register / mit einer Einführung von Hans Hattenhauer und einer Bibliographie von Günther Bernert Frankfurt am Main - A. Metzner, 1973 Incluso in > Allgemeines Landrecht fur die Preussischer Staaten von 1794 / mit einer Einfuhrung von Hans Hattenhauer und einer Bibliographie von Gunther Bernert Testo Monografico |