Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1993 (2 di 5)

Pagina nr. 1974 di 4667       

Index to book reviews in religion - IBRR - an author, title, and classified index to reviews of books published in and of interest to the field of religion
Evanston - American Theological Library Association, c1990-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Index to dental literature
Chicago (IL) - American dental association, 1962-1999
Pubblicazione Periodica

Index to foreign legal periodicals
London - Institute of advanced legal studis, 1960-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Index to foreign legal periodicals. Cumulation
London - Institute of advanced legal studies in co-operation with The American Association of law libraries, 1964-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Index to IEEE publications - proceedings of the IEEE - IEEE spectrum IEEE sponsored conferences IEEE standards / Institute of electrical and electronics engineers
New York - Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, 1973-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Index to international public opinion / prepared by Survey research consultants international
Oxford - Clio press, 1979-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Index to legal periodicals / a cura di American association of law libraries
New York - H. W. Wilson, -1994
Pubblicazione Periodica

Index to legal periodicals. Cumulation / American Association of Law Libraries
New York - Wilson Co., 1926-1994.
Pubblicazione Periodica

Index to periodical articles related to law - selected from journals not included in the Current law index, the Index to foreign legal periodicals, or the Index to legal periodicals
Dobbs Ferry, (N. Y.) - Glanville
Pubblicazione Periodica

Index to periodical articles related to law - thirty year cumulation - volumes 1-30 - 1958-1988 / editors Roy M. Mersky, J. Myron Jacobstein ; compilers Gary R. Hartman, Daniel W. Martin
Dobs Ferry, New York - Glanville, 1989
Testo Monografico

Index to plant chromosome numers for ..
Berkeley - California botanical society, 1958-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Index to proceedings of the Security Council, United Nations
New York - United Nations
Pubblicazione Periodica

Index to reviews, symposia volumes and monographs in organic chemistry
Oxford etc. - Pergamon press, 1962-
Pubblicazione Periodica

An index to the Anthologia Graeca - Anthologia Palatina and Planudea
Amsterdam - A. M. Hakkert, 1985-
Testo Monografico

Index to the associated European journals of mineralogy
Paris - Société Française de Minéralogie et de Cristallographie, (1986 -
Pubblicazione Periodica