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Trudy dvadcat' pjatogo Medunarodnogo Kongressa Vostokovedov - Moskva, 9-16 avgusta 1960 Nendeln - Kraus reprint, 1972- Testo Monografico International congress of Orientalists (26. ; 1964 ; New Delhi) Proceedings of the twenty-sixth International congress of orientalists - New Delhi 4-10th January, 1964 New Delhi - Organising committee 26. International congress of orientalists ; (poi Poona - Bhandarkar oriental research institute, 1966- Testo Monografico International congress of slavists (11. ; 1993 ; Bratislava) Zbornik resumé - 11. medzinárodny zjazd slavistov / Slovensky komitét slavistov ; vedecky redaktor Ján Dorul'a ; redakcia Sibyla Mislovicova ... (ed altri) Bratislava - Veda, 1993 Testo Monografico International congress of speleology (11. ; 1993 ; Beijing) Proceedings of the 11. International congress of speleology - august 2 to 8, 1993, Beijing China (Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n., 1993 ) Testo Monografico International Congress of the History of Art (25. ; 1983 ; Wien) Akten des 25. internationalen Kongresses fur Kunstgeschichte - Wien, 4.-10. September 1983 / im Auftrag des osterreichischen Nationalkomitees des CIHA ; herausgegeben von Hermann Fillitz und Martina Pippal Wien ; Koln ; Graz - Bohlaus, 1984-19 Testo Monografico International congress on ancient wall painting (5. ; 1992 ; Amsterdam) Functional and spatial analysis of wall painting - proceedings of the fifth international congress on ancient wall painting - Amsterdam, 8-12 September 1992 / edited by Eric M. Moormann Leiden - Stichting Babesch, 1993 Testo Monografico International congress on applied ethology (1993 ; Berlino) International congress on applied ethology - programme & abstracts - Berlin, 26th-30th July 1993 (Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n., 1993 ) (Filderstadt - Dissertationsdruck Verfielfältigungen f. u. T. Müllerbader) Testo Monografico International congress on applied ethology (1993 ; Berlino) Proceedings of the International congress on applied ethology - Berlin 1993 / edited by M. Nichelmann, H. K. Wierenga, S. Braun Darmstadt - Kuratorium fur Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft, 1993 Testo Monografico International Congress on Biblical Archaeology (2. ; 1990 ; Jerusalem) Biblical archaeology today, 1990 - Proceedings of the second International Congress on Biblical Archaeology, Jerusalem, june-july 1990 Jerusalem - Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, c1993 Testo Monografico International congress on chestnut (1993 ; Spoleto) Proceedings of the International congress on chestnut - Spoleto, Italy, October 20-23 1993 / editors- Comunitŕ montana Monti Martani e Serano of Spoleto and Istituto di coltivazioni arboree, University of Perugia ; organizing editor- Evasio Antognozzi Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s. n., 1993 (Spoleto - Tipografia litografia spoletina) Testo Monografico International congress on Controversies in senology (1. ; 1992 ; Siena) Proceedings of the first International congress on Controversies in senology - Siena, Italy, October 21-24, 1992 / edited by W. R. Gioffrč, N. D'Antona, U. Veronesi Bologna - Monduzzi, 1993 Testo Monografico International congress on echocardiography (8. ; 1993 ; Roma) Echocardiography 1993 - proceedings of 8th International congress on echocardiography - Rome, 3-6 February 1993 / editors A. Dagianti, H. Feigenbaum Amsterdam (etc. - Excerpta medica, 1993 Testo Monografico International congress on high-speed photography and photonics (20. ; 1992 ; Victoria, British Colum international congress on high-speed photography and photonics - 21-25 September 1992, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada / John M. Dewey, Roberto G. Racca, editors Bellingham, WA - SPIE, c 1993 Testo Monografico International Congress on history, knowledge and quality of life in urology (1. ; 1992 ; Fiuggi) International Congress 'history, knowledge and quality of life in urology' - 'Seminari Pavesi di Urologia' Proceedings, Anno 5 1992/1993 (Supplement) - Fiuggi, 8-11 October 1992 / Editors- P. Marandola, S. Musitelli Testo Monografico International congress on nitrogen fixation (9. ; 1992 ; Cancun, Messico) New horizons in nitrogen fixation - proceedings of the 9. International congress on nitrogen fixation, Cancůn, Mexico, December 6-12, 1992 / edited by Rafael Palacios and Jaime Mora and William E. Newton Dordrecht (etc.) - Kluwer academic, c1993 Testo Monografico |