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Incluso in > Decisione e relazione della Corte dei Conti sul rendiconto generale dello Stato per l'esercizio finanziario 1993 - comunicate alle Presidenze della Camera dei Deputati e del Senato della Repubblica i... Testo Monografico 3.3 - I discepoli (Parte II, V. Viviani). (Indici) / A cura di Isabella Truci e Marta Zangheri , 1994 Incluso in > La Collezione galileiana della Biblioteca Nazionale di Firenze / Compilato da Angiolo Procissi Testo Monografico 3.3- Kanakatanusannibha-kambuvima hadharini Copenhagen - Munksgaard, 1994 Incluso in > A critical Pali dictionary / begun by V. Trenckner ; revised, continued, and edited by Dines Andersen and Helmer Smith Testo Monografico 3.6 Paris - Bibliotheque nationale de France, 1994? Incluso in > Bibliotheque nationale de France - catalogues - catalogue general - imprimes des origines a 1970 Monografia elettronica 3.6- Feindspur-Flözfluß Stuttgart (etc.) - W. Kohlhammer, 1994 Incluso in > Goethe Worterbuch / herausgegeben von der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Gottingen und der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften Testo Monografico 3.7- Flözfolge-Freiheit Stuttgart (etc.) - W. Kohlhammer, 1994 Incluso in > Goethe Worterbuch / herausgegeben von der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Gottingen und der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften Testo Monografico 3.- 1922-1930 Lima - Edicion de El Comercio, 1994 Incluso in > El siglo 20. en el Peru a traves de 'El Comercio' Testo Monografico 3.- 1925-1926 - Texte 506-679 / Carl von Ossietzky ; hrsg. von Werner Boldt, Frank D. Wagner Reinbek bei Hamburg - Rowohlt, 1994 Incluso in > Samtliche schriften - Oldenburger Ausgabe / Carl von Ossietzky ; hrsg. von Werner Boldt ... (ed altri) ; unter Mitwirkung von Rosalinda von Ossietzky-Pal Testo Monografico 3.- 1832-1837 / Diputacion provincial de Barquisimeto Barquisimeto - Publicaciones Centro de historia larense, 1994 Incluso in > Ordenanzas, resoluciones, decretos, acuerdos y comunicaciones / Diputacion provincial de Barquisimeto ; Francisco Canizales Verde Testo Monografico 3.- Benzene-Carolingi Milano - European Book, stampa 1994 Incluso in > Selenia - la nuova enciclopedia Testo Monografico 3.- G-J Warszawa - Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, 1994 Incluso in > Wspolczesni polscy pisarze i badacze literatury - slownik biobibliograficzny / opracowal zespol pod redakcja Jadwigi Czachowskiej i Alicji Szalagan Testo Monografico 3.- Germany, former Dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary, Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovak Republic, Poland, Baltic states, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland , 1928 Incluso in > Freedom of association / International labour office Testo Monografico 3.- Philadelphia -ASTM, 1994 Incluso in > Science and technology of building seals, sealants, glazing, and waterproofing Testo Monografico 3.- Volume the fifth (1788) and volume the sixth (1788) / Edward Gibbon London - Allen Lane - The Penguin Press, 1994 Incluso in > The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire / Edward Gibbon ; edited by David Womersley Testo Monografico 3.A - Theory and rationale of industrial hygiene practice - the work environment / Robert L. Harris, Lewis J. Cralley, Lester V. Cralley editors ; contributors E. W. Arp, Jr... (ed altri New York (etc. - Wiley, (©1994 Incluso in > Pattys industrial hygiene and toxicology / George D. Clayton, Florence E. Clayton editors Testo Monografico |