Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1994 (2 di 5)

Pagina nr. 4469 di 4667       

Nuclear physics. B - journal devoted to the experimental and theoretical study of the fundamental constituents of matter and their interactions
Amsterdam - North-Holland, 1967-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Nuclear physics. B - the fundamental constituens of matter and their interactions journal devoted to the experimental and and theoretical study of
Vol.1, n.1(1967)-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Nuclear physics. B, proceedings supplements
Vol.1A(September 1987)-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Nuclear power plant - module - postgraduate course on energy engineering - distant learning package / edited by Maurizio Cumo, Naim Afgan ; produced by CATTID for Division of engineering and technology of UNESCO
Testo Monografico

Nuclear power reactors in the world
Vienna - International atomic energy agency
Pubblicazione Periodica

Nuclear public relations contact group - handbook
, Roma - (s. n.)
Pubblicazione Periodica

Vol. 20- Nuclear quadropole resonance spectroscopy data / editors K.-H. Hellwege and A. M. Hellwege
, 1988-
Incluso in > Group 3- Crystal and solid state physics
Testo Monografico

Nuclear safety
Washington - U.S. Department of energy, 1959-1997
Pubblicazione Periodica

Nuclear science abstracts of Poland
Vol.1, n.1(1 July 1965)-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Nuclear science and engineering - the journal of the American nuclear society
New York - Academic press, 1956-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Nuclear science and technology - characterization of the Boom clay and its multilayered hydrogeological environment - final report - EUR 14961 EN / R. Beaufays ... ed altri
Luxembourg - Office for official pubblications of the European Communities, 1994
Testo Monografico

Nuclear science and technology - fifth CEC natural analogue working group meeting and Alligator rivers analogue project (ARAP) final workshop, proceedings of an international workshop held in Toledo, Spain from 5 to 9 October 1992 - final report / edited by H. von Maravic, J. Smellie
Luxembourg - Office for official publications of the European communities, 1994 (printed in Italy)
Testo Monografico

Nuclear science and technology - technical seminar on melting and recycling of metallic waste materials from decomissioning of nuclear installations - Krefeld, Germany 26 to 29 october 1993 - Proceedings - EUR 15691 EN / compiled by K. Pflugrad and D. Hofman
Luxembourg - Office for official pubblications of the European Communities, 1994
Testo Monografico

Nuclear science and technology - treatment, disposal, re-use of building demolition and site cleaning wastes from nuclear facilities - final report - EUR 15188 EN / H. J. Wingender ... ed altri
Luxenbourg - Office for official publications of the European communities, 1994 (printed in Italy)
Testo Monografico

Nuclear science applications. (Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato ) - Harwood Academic Publishers.
Pubblicazione Periodica