Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1994 (4 di 5)

Pagina nr. 1207 di 4667       

Brulé, Pierre
La cite grecque a l'epoque classique / Pierre Brule
Rennes - Presses Universitaires de Rennes, c1994
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Brulé, Pierre
Pericles - l'apogee d'Athenes / Pierre Brule
Paris - Gallimard, c1994
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Brum, Gil
Biology - exploring life / Gil Brum, Larry McKane, Gerry Karp
New York etc. - John Wiley & sons, c 1994
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Brumbaugh, David E.
Object-oriented development - building CASE tools with C++ / David E. Brumbaugh
New York - J. Wiley & Sons, c1994
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Brummer, Franz
Wirbellose Meeresbewohner / von Franz Brümmer, Isabel Koch und Hans-Jörg Niederhöfer
Stuttgart - Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, 1994
Incluso in > Stuttgarter Beitrage zur Naturkunde. Serie C, Allgemeiverstandliche Aufsatze
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Brummet, Richard Lee
Come rilevare i costi nelle piccole e medie aziende industriali / R. Lee Brummet
Novara - De Agostini ; Milano - F. Angeli, 1994
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Brummet, Richard Lee
Come rilevare i costi nelle piccole e medie aziende industriali / R. Lee Brummet
Milano - F. Angeli, c1994
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Brummett, Palmira
Ottoman seapower and Levantine diplomacy in the age of discovery / Palmira Brummett
Albany (N.Y.) - State University of New York press, c1994
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Brun, Jean
La filosofia di Pascal / Jean Brun ; traduzione di Maurizio Malaguti
Bologna - Fuori Thema, ©1994
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Brun, Jean
Il vertice e l'abisso - la simbologia dell'ascesa e della discesa / J. Brun, D. Zahan, D. L. Miller
Como - RED, 1994
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Brun, Joan-frederic
Setembralas / Joan-Frederic Brun
(Toulouse - Institut d'Estudis occitans, 1994
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Brun, Marlene - Le
The quiet (r)evolution - improving student learning in law / by Marlene Le Brun and Richard Johnstone ; foreword by Neil Gold
Melbourne - The law book company ltd., 1994
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Brun, Viggo
Traditional Herbal Medicine in Northern Thailand / Viggo Brun and Trond Schumacher ; with a list of medicinal plants by Terje BjØrnland and Trond Schumacher
Bangkok - White Lotus, 1994
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Bruna, Dick
Miffy's walk / with illustrations by Dick Bruna
London - Methuen, c1994
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Bruna, Dick
Snuffy at the zoo / with illustrations by Dick Bruna
London - Methuen, c1994
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