Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1994 (4 di 5)

Pagina nr. 2778 di 4667       

Duchting, Hajo
Vassili Kandinsky - 1866-1944 - Revolution de la peinture / Hajo Düchting
Koln - Benedikt Taschen, 1994
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Duché, Jean
La storia del mondo / raccontata da Jean Duche
°Milano - Cino Del Duca
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Duché, Jean
La storia del mondo / raccontata da Jean Duche...
Milano - C. Del Duca, 1970- .
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Duchêne, Roger
L' impossible Marcel Proust / Roger Duchêne
Paris - R. Laffont, 1994
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Duck, Steve
Meaningful relationships - talking, sense, and relating / Steve Duck
Thousand Oaks, CA etc. - Sage, c 1994
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Duckett, Elizabeth
No os lo podeis imaginar / ilustraciones Chiara Carrer ; texto Elizabeth Duckett
Barcelona - Destino, 1994
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Duckett, Elizabeth
No us ho podeu imaginar / il.lustracions Chiara Carrer ; text Elizabeth Duckett
Barcelona - Destino, 1994
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Duckles, Vincent Harris
Music reference and research materials - an annotated bibliography / Vincent H. Duckles, Michael A. Keller
New York (etc.) - Schirmer Books (etc.), c1994
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Duckworth, Alistair M.
The improvement of the estate - a study of Jane Austens novels / by Alistair M. Duckworth
Baltimore ; London - The Johns Hopkins university press, 1994
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Duckworth, George Eckel
The nature of Roman comedy - a study in popolar entertainment / George E. Duckworth
Bristol - Bristol Classical Press, 1994
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Duckworth, George Eckel
The nature of roman comedy - a study in popular entertainment / George E. Duckworth ; with a foreword and bibliographical appendix by Richard Hunter
Norman - University of Oklahoma Press, 1994
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Duckworth, Michael
High season - English for the hotel and tourist industry - workbook / Michael Duckworth
Oxford - Oxford University press, c1994
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Ducla Soares, Luisa
Os ovos misteriosos / Luisa Ducla Soares ; Manuela Bacelar
Porto - Afrontamento, 1994
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Duclert, Vincent
L' affaire Dreyfus / Vincent Duclert
Paris - La Découverte, 1994
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Duclou, Maryse
Lire et écrire en français - phonétique et transcription othographique - aide-mémoire / Maryse Duclou
Verona - Libreria universitaria, stampa 1994
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