Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1994 (4 di 5)

Pagina nr. 2929 di 4667       

Eser, Albin
Schwangerschaftsabbruch - Auf dem verfassungsgerichtlichen Prufstand - Rechtsgutachten im Normenkontrollverfahren zum Schwangeren- und Familienhilfegesetz von 1992 / Eser Albin ; Unter Mitarbeit von Christoph Hulsmann und Hans-Georg Koch.- Baden-Baden - Nomos, 1994
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Eseverri Hualde, Crisóstomo
Diccionario etimológico de helenismos españoles / compuesto por Crisóstomo Eseverri Hualde
Burgos - Aldecoa, 1994
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Esfahani, Hadi Salehi
Regulations, institutions, and economic performance - the political economy of the Philippines' telecommunications sector / Hadi Salehi Esfahani
Washington - The World Bank, 1994
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Esfandiary Bakhtiary, Soraya
Il palazzo della solitudine / sua altezza imperiale la principessa Soraya Esfandiary Bakhtiary ; con la collaborazione di Louis Valentin ; traduzione di Doretta Chioatto
Milano - A. Mondadori, 1994
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Esin, Sergej
Tekuscij den - rasskazy / Sergej Esin
Moskva - Terra, 1994
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Eskeland, Gunnar S.
Energy pricing and air pollution - econometric evidence from manufactoring in Chile and Indonesia / Gunnar S. eskeland, Emmanuel Jimenez and Lili Liu
ashington - The World Bank, 1994
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Eskeland, Gunnar S.
Is demand for polluting goods manageable - an econometric study of car ownership and use in Mexico / Gunnar S. Eskeland and Tarhan N. Feyzioglu
Washington - The World Bank, 1994
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Eskenazi Gallery
Yuan and early Ming blue and white porcelain / Eskenazi
London - Eskenazi, 1994
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Eskin, Ju. M.
Mestnicestvo v Rossii 16
Moskva - Archeograficeskij centr, 1994
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Eskov, Kirill Y.
Catalogue of the linyphiid spiders of northern Asia (Arachnida, Araneae, Linyphiidae) / Kirill Y. Eskov
Sofia ; Moscow - Pensoft, 1994
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Eskova, Natalia Aleksandrovna
Kratkij slovar trudnostej russkogo jazyka - grammaticeskie formy udarenie / N. A. Eskova
Moskva - Russkij jazyk, 1994
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Eskridge, William N.
Dynamic statutory interpretation / William N. Eskridge, jr
Cambridge etc. - Harvard university press, 1994
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Eslami, Mansour
Theory of sensitivity in dynamic systems - an introduction / M. Eslami
Berlin etc. - Springer, c1994
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Eslami, Mansour
Theory of sensitivity in dynamic systems - an introduction / M. Eslami
Berlin (etc.) - Springer-Verlag, c1994
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Eslava Galán, Juan
El comedido hidalgo / Juan Eslava Galán
Barcelona - Planeta, 1994
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