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WOLTE 1. - proceedings of the 1. European workshop on low temperature electronics - 29 June - 1st July, 1994, Grenoble, France / edited by- G. Ghibaudo and F. Balestra Les Ulis - Les editions e physique, 1994 Incluso in > Journal de physique 4- Colloque - JP Testo Monografico European workshop on modelling autonomous agents in a multi-agent world (4. ; 1992 ; San Martino al Cimino) Artificial social systems - 4. European workshop on modelling autonomous agents in a multi-agent world, MAAMAW '92 - S. Martino al Cimino, Italy, July 29-31, 1992 - selected papers / Cristiano Castelfranchi, Eric Werner (eds.) Berlin (etc.) - Springer, c1994 Testo Monografico European workshop on piezoelectric materials - crystals growth, properties and prospects (1993 ; Montpellier) Piezoelectric materials- crystal growth, properties and prospects - european workshop on piezoelectric materials ... - Montpellier, 1-2 December 1993 / edited by- E. Philippot and A. Goiffon Les Ulis - Les editions de physique, 1994 Incluso in > Journal de physique 4- Colloque - JP Testo Monografico Europen conference on computational learning thory (1. ; 1993 ; London) Computational learning theory- Eurocolt '93_- based on the proceedings of the first european conference on computational learning theory, ... etc. / edited by John Shawe-Taylor and Martin Anthony Oxford - Oxford University Press, c1994 Testo Monografico Europese Gemeenschap voor Kolen en Staal Jurisprudentie van het Hof van Justitie / *Europese *Gemeenschap voor *Kolen en *Staal Luxemburg - Villa Vauban, 1954 Pubblicazione Periodica Europilot Organo ufficiale della Associazione nazionale piloti aviazione civile federata all'IFALPA - rassegna mensile Roma - s.n. , 1959- Pubblicazione Periodica Europäische Gesellschaft für Katholische Theologie Bulletin ET - Zeitschrift fur Theologie in Europa Munster (etc.) - LIT, 1990-2008 Pubblicazione Periodica Eurosensors (7. ; 1993 ; Budapest) Proceedings of Eurosensors 7. - Budapest, Hungary, September 26-29, 1993 / editors- J. Giber ... ed altri Lausanne - Elsevier, c1994 Testo Monografico Eurosolar Italia Quaderno del solare - materiale didattico sulle ragion di fondo della scelta del solare e sulle tecniche che ne permettono la realizzazione / Eurosolar Italia-associazione politica internazionale per l'energia solare Bologna - Eurosolar Italia, 1994 Testo Monografico EUROTOX congress (1993 ; Uppsala) Use of mechanistic information in risk assessment - proceedings of the 1993 EUROTOX congress meeting held in Uppsala, Sweden, June 30-July 3, 1993 / edited by H. M. Bolt, B. Hellman and L. Dencker Berlin (etc. - Springer-Verlag, (©1994 Incluso in > Archives of toxicology. Supplement = Archiv fur toxicologie. Supplement Cartina EUROTOX congress (1993 ; Uppsala) Use of mechanistic information in risk assessment - proceedings of the 1993 Eurotox congress, meeting held in Uppsala, Sweden, June 30-July 3, 1993 / edited by publication committee H.M. Bolt, B. Hellman and L. Dencker Berlin (etc.) - Springer-Verlag, c 1994 Incluso in > Archives of toxicology. Supplement = Archiv fur toxicologie. Supplement Testo Monografico EUROTRAC Symposium (94 ; Garmisch-Partenkirchen) Transport and transformation of pollutants in the troposphere - proceeding of EUROTRAC Symposium 94, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 11-15 April 1994 / Editors Patricia M. Borrell ... (ed altri) ; Eurotrac International Scientific Secretariat The Hague - SPB Academic Publishing, ©1994 Testo Monografico EURYDICE L' istruzione materna e primaria nei paesi dell'Unione europea / EURYDICE Bruxelles - EURYDICE Unita europea, 1994 Testo Monografico EURYDICE La lutte contre l'echec scolaire- un defi pour la construction europeenne / Eurydice, reseau d'information sur l'education dans la Communaute europeenne Luxembourg - Office des publications officielles des Communautes europeennes, 1994 Testo Monografico Eusebio, Andrea Il sistema bancario nigeriano - l'attivita creditizia delle banche commerciali a supporto del settore agricolo / Andrea Eusebio ; rel. A. Mauri Milano - Universita degli studi, 1993/94 Testo Monografico |