Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1994 (4 di 5)

Pagina nr. 3065 di 4667       

FEJA, Geza
A léleklato kutya - kiadatlan novellàk / Féja Géza
Békéscsaba - Tevan, 1994
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Fejtö, François
La fine delle democrazie popolari - l'Europa orientale dopo la rivoluzione del 1989 / François Fejtö ; con la collaborazione di Ewa Kulesza-Mietkowski
Milano - A. Mondadori, 1994
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Fejtö, François
Joseph 2. - un Habsbourg révolutionnaire - essai biographique / François Fejtö
Paris - Quai Voltaire, 1994
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Fejtö, François
Requiem pour un empire défunt - histoire de la destruction de l'Autriche-Hongrie / François Fejtö
Paris - Lieu commun, 1994
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Fekkes, Jan
Isaiah and prophetic traditions in the Book of Revelation - visionary antecedents and their development / Jan Fekkes III
Sheffield - Sheffield Academic press, 1994
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Felc, Jože
Radost poslednjih ur / Joze Felc
Idrija - Bogataj, 1994
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Felci Laganà, Elvira
La chiesa di San Giacomo apostolo in Ascoli Piceno / Elvira Felci Laganà, Franco Laganà
Ascoli Piceno - D'Auria, stampa 1994
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Feld, Helmut
Franziskus von Assisi und seine Bewegung / Helmut Feld
Darmstadt - Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, c1994
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Feld, Werner J.
International organisations - a comparative approach / Werner J. Feld and Robert S. Jordan, with Leon Hurwitz
Westport - Praeger, 1994
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Feld, Werner J.
International organizations - a comparative approach / Werner J. Feld and Robert S. Jordan with Leon Hurwitz
Wesport, CT ; London - Praeger, 1994
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Feldenkirchen, Wilfried
Werner von Siemens - inventor and international entrepreneur / Wilfried Feldenkirchen
Columbus - Ohio State University press, c1994
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Felder, Franz Michael
Ich will der Wahrheitsgeiger sein - ein Leben in Briefen / Franz Michael Felder ; hrsg. und mit einem Nachwort von Ulrike Langle
Salzburg ; Wien - Residenz, c1994
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Feldman, David
Englishmen and Jews - social relations and political culture, 1840-1914 / David Feldman
New Haven ; London - Yale University Press, 1994
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Feldman, David Henry
Beyond universals in cognitive development / David Henry Feldman
Norwood, N.J. - Ablex Pub. Corp., c1994
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Feldman, James M.
Computer architecture - a designers text based on a generic RISC / James M. Feldman, Charles T. Retter
New York etc. - McGraw-Hill, c1994
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