Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1994 (5 di 5)

Pagina nr. 652 di 4584       

Luís, Agustina Bessa
As terras do risco - romance / Augustina Bessa-Luis
Lisboa - Guimaraes, 1994
Testo Monografico

Lvov, Nikolaj A.
Izbrannye socinenija / N. A. L'vov ; vstupit. stat'ja, sost., podgot. teksta i kommentarii K. Ju. Lappo-Danilevskogo ; perecen' architekturnych rabot podgotovlen A.V. Tatarinovym
Koln - Bohlau ; Sankt-Peterburg - Puskinskij Dom, 1994
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Lvov, Nikolaj A.
Izbrannye socinenija / N. A. L'vov ; vstupitel'naja stat'ja, sostavlenie, podgotovka teksta i kommentarii K. Ju. Lappo-Danilevskogo ; perecen' arhitekturnyh rabot podgotovlen A. V. Tatarinovym
Këln (etc.) - Bëlau ; Sankt-Peterburg - Puskinskij dom (etc.), 1994
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Lyall, Francis
An introduction to British law / Francis Lyall
Baden-Baden - Nomos, c1994
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Lyashenko, Andrej A.
Stability of semilinear ill-posed problems with a prescribed energy bound / Andrej A. Lyashenko
Firenze - s. n. , 1994 (Firenze - CDO)
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Lyatoshynsky, Boris
Symphonies Nos. 2 and 3 / Boris Lyatoshnsky ; Ukrainian State Symphony Orchestra ; Theodore Kuchar
Gran Bretagna - Marco Polo, p1994
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Lycan, William G.
Modality and meaning / by William G. Lycan
Dordrecht (etc. - Kluwer academic publishers, ©1994
Testo Monografico

Lyceum (Firenze)
Lyceum di Firenze - bollettino mensile
Firenze - Tip. Ariani, (1927)-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Lyche, Chantal
French generative phonology - retrospective and perspectives / edited by Chantal Lyche
Salford GB - Association for French language studies - University. European studies research institute, 1994
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Lycourgos, Constantinos
L' association avec union douaniere - un mode de relations entre la CEE et des Etats tiers / par Constantinos Lycourgos ; préface de Hélène Gaudemet-Tallon
Paris - Presses universitaires de France, ©1994
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Lydekker, Richard
Catalogue of the remains of siwalik vertebrata contained in the geological department of the indian museum Calcutta / by Richard Lydekker
Calcutta - superintendent of government printing, 1885-
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Lydekker, Richard (1849-1915)
A hand-book to the carnivora / by Richard Lydekker
London - E. Lloyd
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Lyell, Charles (1797-1875)
Principles of geology / Charles Lyell ; with a new introduction by Martin J.S. Rudwick
Chicago ; London - The University of Chicago Press, 1990-
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Lyle, John Tillman
Regenerative design for sustainable development / John Tillman Lyle
New York etc. - J. Wiley & sons, 1994
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Lyman, R. Lee
Vertebrate taphonomy / R. Lee Lyman
Cambridge - Cambridge university press, 1994
Testo Monografico