Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1994 (5 di 5)

Pagina nr. 3248 di 4584       

Shepherd, Gordon M.
Neurobiology / Gordon M. Shepherd
New York ; Oxford - Oxford university press, 1994
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Shepherd, William F.
International financial integration - history, theory and application in OECD countries / William F. Shepherd
Aldershot - Avebury, c1994
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Shepherd, William F.
International financial integration - history, theory and applications in OECD countries / William F. Shepherd
Aldershot etc. - Ashgate, c1994
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Shepherd, William H.
The narrative function of the Holy Spirit as a character in Luke-Acts / William H. Shepherd
Atlanta - Scholars Press, 1994
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Sheppard, Pamela
Speeches and presentations in French as well in English / Pamela Sheppard
London - Brealey, c1994
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Sher, Jakov A.
1- Siberie du sud 1 - Oglakhty 1.-3. (Russie, Khakassie) / par Jakov A. Sher ; avec la collaboration de N. Blednova, N. Legchilo, D. Smirnov
Paris - De Boccard, 1994
Incluso in > Repertoire des petroglyphes d'Asie Centrale / sous la direction de Henri-Paul Francfort et Jakov A. Sher
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Shere, Lindsey Remolif
Chez Panisse desserts / by Lindsey Remolif Shere ; preface by Alice Waters ; illustrations by Wayne Thiebaud
New York - Random House, 1994
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Sheridan, Kyoko
Governing the Japanese economy / Kyoko Sheridan
Cambridge - Polity Press, 1994
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Sheridan, Lionel Astor
Chancery procedure & Anton Piller orders / L. A. Sheridan
Chichester - Barry Rose, ©1994
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Sheridan, Lionel Astor
Injunctions in general / L.A. Sheridan
Chichester - Barry Rose, c1994
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Sheridan, Lionel Astor
Injunctions in particular cases / L.A. Sheridan
Chichester - Barry Rose, c1994
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Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
The rivals and the school for scandal / Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Harlowe - Longman, ©1994
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Sheriff, John K.
Charles Peirces guess at the riddle - grounds for human significance / John K. Sheriff
Bloomington ; Indianapolis - Indiana university press, c1994
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Sherlock, Sheila
Malattie del fegato e delle vie biliari / Sheila Sherlock, James Dooley
Salerno - Momento medico, 1994
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Sherman, Chris
The CD-ROM handbook / Chris Sherman
New York - Intertext publications ; New York etc. - McGraw-Hill, c1994
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