Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1994 (5 di 5)

Pagina nr. 3253 di 4584       

Shomura, Richard S.
Interactions of Pacific tuna fisheries - proceedings of the First FAO Expert consultation on interactions of Pacific Tuna Fisheries, 3-11 December 1991, Noumena, New Caledonia / Richard S. Shomura, Jacek Majkowski, Sarah Langi
Roma - FAO, 1994
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Shone, Neville
Affrontare il dolore fisico / Neville Shone
Bologna - Calderini, 1994
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Shone, Richard
Sisley / Richard Shone
London - Phaidon, 1994
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Shone, Ronald
La tecnica dell'autoipnosi - metodi e applicazioni / Ronald Shone
Roma - Astrolabio, 1994
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Shonfield, Andrew
9- Modern capitalism / Andrew Shonfield
London - Pickering, 1994
Incluso in > Theories of the mixed economy / edited by David Reisman
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Shopsin, William C.
Preserving American mansions and estates / William C. Shopsin ; with research assistance by Nora Lucas
New York etc. - McGraw-Hill, c1994
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Shoptaw, John
On the outside looking out - John Ashbery's poetry / John Shoptaw
Cambridge, MA (etc.) - Harvard University press, 1994
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Shore, Cecilia M.
Individual differences in language development / Cecilia M. Shore
Thousands Oaks ; London ; New Delhi - Sage, 1994
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Shore, Stephen
Stephen Shore - Fotografien 1973 bis 1993 / (herausgegeben von Heinz Liesbrock ; Mit Texten von Hilla und Bernd Becher ... ed altri)
Munchen (etc.) - Schirmer/Mosel, c1994
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Shore, Steven N.
Interacting binaries - Saas-Fee advanced course 22, Lecture notes 1992 (of the) Swiss society for astrophysics and astronomy / S. N. Shore, M. Livio, E. P. J. van den Heuvel ; ed. by H. Nussbaumer and A. Orr
Berlin (etc.) - Springer, c1994
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Shores, Christopher
Aces high - a tribute to the most notable fighter pilots of the British and Commonwealth forces of WWII / Christopher Shores and Clive Wiliams (i.e. Williams)
London - Grub Street, ©1994
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Short, David
Musique pour trois cuivres - Trio for trumpet, horn and trombone / David Short
Bellona - Edizioni Santabarbara, c1994
Musica (stampa)

Short, Eric
The equitable guide to saving for your retirement / Eric Short
London - Bloomsbury, 1994
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Short, Robert
Dada & surrealism / Robert Short
London - Laurence King, 1994
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Shortall, Felton C.
The incomplete Marx / Felton C. Shortall
Aldershot (etc.) - Avebury, c1994
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