Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1995 (5 di 5)

Pagina nr. 318 di 4744       

Kiritescu, Constantin I. (1876-1965)
România in al doilea razboi mondial / Constantin I. Kiritescu
Bucuresti - Univers enciclopedic, 1995
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Kiriyescu, Costin C.
Sistemul banesc al leului i precursorii lui
Bucure ti - Academia Republicii Populare Romne, 1964-
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Kirk, G. S.
Les philosophes présocratiques - une histoire critique avec un choix de textes / G. S. Kirk, J. E. Raven, M. Schofield ; traduit de l'anglais par Hélène-Alix de Weck sous la direction de Dominic J. O'Meara
Fribourg - Éditions universitaires ; Paris - Éditions du cerf, ©1995
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Kirk, George E.
A short history of the Middle East - from the rise of Islam to modern times / by George E. Kirk
London - Methuen, 1957
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Kirk, Risa
Le rivali / Risa Kirk
, Milano - Harlequin Mondadori 1995
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Kirk, Roger
Romania impotriva Statelor Unite - diplomatia absurdului - 1985-1989 / Roger Kirk & Mircea Raceanu ; traducere de Melania Stela Radulescu
Bucuresti - Silex, 1995
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Kirk, Roger E.
Experimental design - procedures for the behavioral sciences / Roger E. Kirk
Pacific Grove etc. - Brooks/Cole, 1995
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Kirk, Sheila
Medical, Legal & Workplace Issues for the Transsxual - A guide for successful transformation / Sheila Kirk, Martine Rothblatt
Blawnox (PA) - Together Lifeworks, 1995
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Kirk, Stephen J.
Life cycle costing for design professionals / Stephen J. Kirk, Alphonse J. Dell'Isola
New York etc. - McGraw-Hill, c1995
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Kirk, Tim
The Longman companion to Nazi Germany / Tim Kirk
London ; New York - Longman, 1995
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Kirkham, Pat
Charles and Ray Eames - designers of the twentieth century / Pat Kirkham
Cambridge, Mass. ; London - The MIT press, c1995
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Kirkinen, Heikki
Karjala idän ja lämnen välissä
Helsinki - Kirjayhtymä, 1970- .
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Kirkman, Andrew
The_ three-voice mass in the later fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries. Style, distribution and case studies / Andrew Kirkman
New York, London - Garland, 1995
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Kirkpatrick, John
Le regime fiscal des societes en Belgique / par John Kirkpatrick
Bruxelles - Bruylant, 1995
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Kirkpatrick, Robin
English and Italian literature from Dante to Shakespeare - a study of source, analogue and divergence / Robin Kirkpatrick
London (etc.) - Longman, 1995
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