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Paris - Encyclopaedia Universalis, 1996 Incluso in > Corpus. Testo Monografico 16- Nation-Orchidales Paris - Encyclopaedia universalis, 1996 Incluso in > Corpus. - Testo Monografico 16- Nicéforo-parata Madrid - Espasa Calpe, c1996 Incluso in > Enciclopedia Espasa Testo Monografico 16- NOTTO-PAVE Novara - Istituto geografico De Agostini, stampa 1996 Incluso in > Grande enciclopedia De Agostini Testo Monografico 16- Raman spectroscopy instrumentation to Schottky barriers / edited by George L. Trigg ; associate editors, Eduardo S. Vera, Walter Greulich ; managing editor, Edmund H. Immergut ; assistant managing editor, Christopher Thomas Moran New York - VCH, 1996 Incluso in > Encyclopedia of applied physics / edited by George L. Trigg ; associate editors- Eduardo S. Vera, Walter Greulich ; managing editor- Edmund H. Immergut ; assistant managing editor- Gordon A. Dana ; ... Testo Monografico 16- Schobel-Schwaiger / herausgegeben von Hubert Herkommer (Mittelalter) und Carl Ludwig Lang (Neuzeit) ; Redaktion- Carl Ludwig Lang Bern etc. - K. G. Saur, ©1996 Incluso in > Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon - biographisch-bibliographisches Handbuch / begrundet von Wilhelm Kosch ; fortgefuhrt von Bruno Berger Testo Monografico 16- Sect. 3920 to 3944 / by Charles Alan Wright, Arthur R. Miller and Edward H. Cooper St. Paul, Minn. - West, 1996 Incluso in > Federal practice and procedure - jurisdiction and related matters / by Charles Alan Wright, Arthur R. Miller and Edward H. Cooper Testo Monografico 16- terr-z / (direttore Angelo Solmi) Milano - Rizzoli, 1996 Incluso in > Grande enciclopedia Rizzoli / (direttore Angelo Solmi) Testo Monografico 16- Ubald- / fonde par M. Viller, F. Cavallera, J. De Guibert ; continue par A. Rayez, A. Derville et A. Solignac, avec le concours d'un grand nombre de collaborateurs Incluso in > Dictionnaire de spiritualite - ascetique et mystique, doctrine et histoire / publie sous la direction de Marcel Viller ; assiste de F. Cavallera, J. de Guibert ; avec le concours d'un grand nombre de... Testo Monografico 16A- Sect. 3945 to 4000 / by Charles Alan Wright, Arthur R. Miller and Edward H. Cooper St. Paul (Minn.) - West, 1996 Incluso in > Federal practice and procedure - jurisdiction and related matters / by Charles Alan Wright, Arthur R. Miller and Edward H. Cooper Testo Monografico 16B- Sect. 4001 to 4033 / by Charles Alan Wright, Arthur R. Miller and Edward H. Cooper St. Paul, Minn. - West, 1996 Incluso in > Federal practice and procedure - jurisdiction and related matters / by Charles Alan Wright, Arthur R. Miller and Edward H. Cooper Testo Monografico In Venezia - app. Antonio Curti, 1822 (Antonio Curti editore) Incluso in > Educazione cristiana, ossia Catechismo universale Testo Monografico London - Decca, c1996 Incluso in > The symphonies / Joseph Haydn ; (eseguite da Philharmonia Hungarica ; Antal Dorati (dir. Registrazione audio Denver - The society for new language study, ©1996 Incluso in > In Geardagum - essays on old English language and literature Testo Monografico 17 / Jelena O. Krstovic, Mary L. Onorato, editors Detroit - Gale, ©1996 Incluso in > Classical and medieval literature criticism - excerpts from criticism of the works of world authors from classical antiquity through the fourteenth century, from the first appraisals to current evalu... Testo Monografico |