Pagina nr. 191 di 4666 |
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Paris - Encyclopaedia universalis, c1996 Incluso in > Corpus. Testo Monografico 18- Prasad-Rivero Madrid - Espasa Calpe, c1996 Incluso in > Enciclopedia Espasa Testo Monografico 18- PROBL-RIVER Novara - Istituto geografico De Agostini, stampa 1996 Incluso in > Grande enciclopedia De Agostini Testo Monografico 18- Scho-Sik / Salvatore Battaglia Torino - Unione tipografico-editrice torinese, 1996 Incluso in > Grande dizionario della lingua italiana / Salvatore Battaglia Testo Monografico In Venezia - app. Antonio Curti, 1823 (Eredi Curti ed.) Incluso in > Educazione cristiana, ossia Catechismo universale Testo Monografico , Frankfurt am Main - 1996 Incluso in > Frankfurter Anthologie - Gedichte und Interpretationen / herausgegeben von Marcel Reich-Ranicki Testo Monografico London - Decca, c1996 Incluso in > The symphonies / Joseph Haydn ; (eseguite da Philharmonia Hungarica ; Antal Dorati (dir. Registrazione audio Oxford - Voltaire Foundation, 1996 Incluso in > Les oeuvres completes de Voltaire Testo Monografico 19 / edited by Allen J. Bard, Israel Rubinstein New York etc. - Marcel Dekker, c1996 Incluso in > Electroanalytical chemistry - a series of advances Testo Monografico 19 / edited by B.B. Kadomtsev New York ; London - Consultants bureau, c1996 Incluso in > Reviews of plasma physics / edited by M. A. Leontovich Testo Monografico 19 / edited by Brant R. Burleson ; editorial assistant Adrianne W. Kunkel Thousand Oaks (etc.) - Sage, c1996 Incluso in > Communication yearbook - an annual review published for the International Communication Association Testo Monografico 19 / editor Brant R. Burleson, editorial assistant Adrianne W. Kunkel Thousand Oaks (etc.) - Sage, 1996 Incluso in > Communication yearbook - an annual review published for the international communication association Testo Monografico 19 / Manfred Mayrhofer Heidelberg - C. Winter, 1996 Incluso in > Etymologisches Worterbuch des Altindoarischen / Manfred Mayrhofer Testo Monografico 19 / Shams al-Din Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn 'Uthman al-Dhahabi ; haqqaqa hadha al-juz' Shu'ayb al-Arna'ut Bayrut - Mu'assasat al-risalah, 1996 Incluso in > Siyar a'lam al-nubala' / tasnif Shams al-Din Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn 'Uthman al-Dhahabi ; ashrafa 'ala tahqiq al-kitab wa-kharraja ahadithahu Shu'ayb al-Arna'ut Testo Monografico 19 - Portraits London - Miller, ©1977 Incluso in > Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard - an illustrated catalogue raisonne of the work of Peter Paul Rubens based on the material assembled by the late Ludwig Burchard in twenty-seven parts Testo Monografico |