Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1996 (2 di 5)

Pagina nr. 914 di 4667       

Finances publiques et finances privées au bas moyen âge - actes du colloque tenu à Gand les 5 et 6 mai 1995 / Marc Boone, Walter Prevenier (eds.)
Leuven ; Apeldoorn - Garant, 1996
Testo Monografico

Finances. - Tome premier (- ). - Nouvelle edition enrichie de remarques ... - A Padoue, 1784- . - v. . fol
Incluso in > Encyclopedie methodique. Nouvelle edition enrichie de remarques dediee a la Serenissime Republique de Venise
Testo Monografico

Financial & managerial accounting - a corporate approach / Belverd E. Needles, jr. ... ed altri
Boston etc. - Houghton Mifflin, c1996
Testo Monografico

Financial accountability and management
Oxford - Basil Blackwell, 1985-
Pubblicazione Periodica

1- Financial accounting and general topics - New York etc. - J. Wiley, 1996
Incluso in > Accountants handbook / edited by D. R. Carmichael, Steven B. Lilien, Martin Mellman
Testo Monografico

Financial accounts of OECD countries - OECD financial statistics part 2 = comptes financiers des pays de l'OCDE - statistiques financieres de l'OCDE partie
Paris - OECD, 1981-1997
Pubblicazione Periodica

Financial deregulation and integration in East Asia / edited by Takatoshi Ito and Anne O. Krueger
Chicago ; London - University of Chicago press, 1996
Testo Monografico

Financial development and economic growth - theory and experiences from developing countries / edited by Niels Hermes and Robert Lensink
London ; New York - Routledge, 1996
Testo Monografico

Financial engineering and the japanese markets
Dordrecht - Kluwer academic press, 1994-1997
Pubblicazione Periodica

Financial executive / Financial Executives Institute
Horristown - Financial Executives Institute, 1987-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Financial factors in economic stabilization and growth / edited by Mario I. Blejer ... ed altri
Cambridge - Cambridge university press, 1996
Testo Monografico

Financial fragility, debt and economic reforms / edited by Sunanda Sen
Houndmills, Basingstoke ; London - MacMillan ; New York - St. Martin's, 1996
Testo Monografico

Financial history review / European Association for Banking History
Cambridge - Cambridge University press, 1994-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Financial innovation, banking and monetary aggregates / edited by Andrew Mullineux
Cheltenham, Glos. ; Brookfield, Verm. - E. Elgar, ©1996
Testo Monografico

The financial institutions and markets reader / edited by Robert W. Kolb
Cambridge, Mass- ; Oxford - Blackwell, 1996
Testo Monografico