Pagina nr. 2460 di 4667 |
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Luxembourg - Office des publications officielles des Communautés européennes, 1990- Pubblicazione Periodica Rohstoffe = Raw materials- Ec supply = Matieres premieres- approvisionament de la Ce - Versorgung der Eg / Eurostat (1975/1983)- Pubblicazione Periodica Rohstoffwirtschaftliche Landerberichte / Bundesanstalt fur Bodenforschung Hannover - Bundesanstalt fur Bodenforschung, 1972- Pubblicazione Periodica Rok'n roll Lorenzaccio - quindicinale studentesco bustese Busto Arsizio - tip. Battista Tosi, 1957 Pubblicazione Periodica Rokovye jajca / rezisser Sergej Lomkin ; avtory scenarija Sergej Lomkin, Vladimir Gurkin Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - ADA-fil-m ; Sojuz video, c1996 Audiovisivo Rolamba - journal of Joshi research institute Lalitpur - Joshi research institute, (1981 - Pubblicazione Periodica Roland and Charlemagne in Europe- essays on the reception and transformation of a legend / edited by Karen Pratt London - Kings College London centre for late antique & medieval studies, 1996 Testo Monografico Rolando Greco / a cura di Umberto Zaccaria ; saggi critici di Bertacchini Luciano ... (ed altri) (Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n.), stampa 1996 (Soliera - Baraldi) Testo Monografico (7)- Rolando Viani - dal 28 novembre all' 11 dicembre 1964 Testo a stampa The role and functions of civilian police in United Nations peace-keeping operations - debriefing and lessons - report and recommendations of the International conference, Singapore, december 1995 / the United Nations institute for training and research (UNITAR), the Institute of policy studies (IPS) of Singapore, the National institute for research advancement (NIRA) of Japan ; publication series under the direction of Nassrine Azimi London °etc. - Kluwer, 1996 Testo Monografico The role and future of the European Court of Justice - a report by members of the EC section of the British Institute's advisory board chaired / by Lord Slynn of Hadley London - The British Institute of International and comparative Law, c1996 Testo Monografico Le role des politiques d'integration des migrants dans le cadre des nouvelles formes de coopération Nord- Sud / Flavia Flamini ... (ed altri) Strasbourg - Council of Europe publishing and documentation service, 1996 Testo Monografico The role of cephalopods in the world's oceans - a theme / edited by M.R. Clarke London - The Royal Society of London, 1996 Incluso in > Philosophical transactions. Biological sciences / The Royal Society of London Testo Monografico The role of ERS-SAR data for central African countries / A. Husson and J. Harms Noordwijk, Nl. - European Space Agency, c1996 Testo Monografico Role of farm-level diversification in the adoption of modern technology in Brazil / Marc Nerlove, Stephen Vosti, Wesley Basel Washington, D.C. - IFPRI, c1996 Testo Monografico |