Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1996 (4 di 5)

Pagina nr. 4407 di 4667       

Hody, Cynthia Ann
The politics of trade - American political development and foreign economic policy / Cynthia A. Hody
Hanover ; London - University press of New England, c1996
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Hoefert, Sigfrid
Gerhart Hauptmann und der Film - mit unveroffentlichten Filmentwurfen des Dichters / von Sigfrid Hoefert
Berlin - E. Schmidt, c1996
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Hoefs, Jochen
Stable isotope geochemistry / Jochen Hoefs
Berlin (etc.) - Springer, 1997
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Hoegen-Rohls, Christina
Der nachösterliche Johannes - die Abschiedsreden als hermeneutischer Schlüssel zum vierten Evangelium / von Christina Hoegen-Rohls
Tübingen - Mohr, ©1996
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Hoehler-Fatton, Cynthia
Women of fire and spirit - history, faith, and gender in Roho religion in western Kenya / Cynthia Hoehler-Fatton
New York etc. - Oxford university press, 1996
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Hoekman, Bernard
Effective protection and investment incentives in Egypt and Jordan during thetransition to free trade with Europe / Bernard Hoekman and Simeon Djankov
London - Centre for economic policy reserach, 1996
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Hoekman, Bernard
Egypt and the Uruguay Round / Bernard Hoeknam, Arvind Subramanian
WAshington - The World Bank, 1996
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Hoekman, Bernard
Intra-industry trade, foreign direct investment and the reorientation of eastern european exports / Bernard Hoekman, Simeon Djankov
Washington - World bank, 1996
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Hoekman, Bernard
Multilateral disciplines on government procurement - what's in it for developing countries? / Bernard Hoekman
London - Centre for economic policy research, 1996
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Hoekman, Bernard
Trade and competition policy in the WTO system / Bernard Hoekman
London - Centre for economic policy research, 1996
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Hoekman, Bernard M.
Intra-industry trade, foreign investment and the reorientation of East European exports / Bernard Hoekman and Simeon Djankov
London - Centre for economic policy research, 1996
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Hoekstra, Robert L
NOx emissions and efficiency of hydrogen, natural gas and hydrogen/natural gas blended fuels / Robert L. Hoekstra, Peter Van Blarigan, Neal Mulligan
Warrendale, PA - Society of Automotive Engineers, 1996
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Hoeller, Peter
Fiscal relations within the european union / by Peter Hoeller, Marie-Odile Louppe and Patrice Vergriete
Paris - OECD, 1996
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Hoensch, Jorg Konrad
A history of modern Hungary - 1867-1994 / Jorg K. Hoensch ; translated by Kim Traynor
London (etc.) - Longman, 1996
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Hoestlandt, Jo
Giornata da buttar via per Sofia / una storia scritta da Jo Hoestlandt e illustrata da Frederic Joos
Modena - Zanfi, 1996
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