Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1996 (4 di 5)

Pagina nr. 4424 di 4667       

Holmstrom, Karin
Cyclic variation in an SI engine due to the random motion of the flame kernel / Karin Hilmstrom and Ingemar Denbratt
International Spring Fuels & Lubrifications Meeting - Dearborn, Michingan, january may 6-8, 1996
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Holmwood, John
Founding sociology - Talcott Parsons and the idea of general theory / John Holmwood
London ; New York - Longman, c1996
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Holness, Marga
Angola- a long road to peace / by Marga Holness ; for the Mozambique Angola committee
London - Mozambique Angola committee, 1996
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Holocher, Hermann
Anfange der New rhetoric / Hermann Holocher
Tubingen - Niemeyer, 1996
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Holopainen, Toivo J.
Dialectic and theology in the eleventh century / by Toivo J. Holopainen
Leiden etc. - E.J. Brill, 1996
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Holroyd-Doveton, J. O.
Young Conservatives / J. O. Holroyd-Doveton ; with a foreword by baron Finsberg of Hampstead
Edinburgh etc. - The Pentalnd, 1996
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Holsbeek, Henri - van
Annuaire medical de la Belgique d'apres des documents officiels / par le dr. Henri van holsbeek
Bruxelles-Leipzig, 1861-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Holscher, Monika
Personennamen der kassitenzeitlichen Texte aus Nippur / Monika Holscher
Munster - Rhema, 1996
Testo Monografico

Holsevnikov, Vladislav Evgenevic
Osnovy stichovedenija - russkoe stichoslozenie - ucebnoe posobie dlja studentov filologiceskich fakultetov / V. E. Cholsevnikov
Sankt-Peterburg - Izdatelstvo S.-Peterburgskogo universiteta, 1996
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Holsinger, Erik
Subito musica e computer / Erik Holsinger ; illustrato da Nevin Berger
Milano - Jackson libri, 1995
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Holst, Gerald C.
CCD arrays, cameras, and displays / Gerald C. Holst
Winter Park, FL - JCD ; Bellingham - SPIE optical engineering press, c1996
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Holst, Gustav Theodore
Orchestral music / Gustav Holst ; London Festival Orchestra ; Ross Pople, conductor
(Germania) - Arte nova classics, c1996
Registrazione audio

Holst, Gustav Theodore
The planets / Gustav Holst ; (performed by) BBC philharmonic ; Yan Pascal Tortelier (conductor) ; The Manchester Boys Choir
(London) - BBC, (1996)
Registrazione audio

Holst, Kirsten
Der ratselhafte Doppelganger / Kirsten Holst ; aus dem Danischen ubersetzt von Christel Hildebrandt
Bindlach - Loewe, 1996
Testo Monografico

Holstein, Friedrich - von
The Holstein papers - the memoirs, diaries and correspondence of Friedrich von Holstein 1837-1909 / edited by Norman Rich and M. H. Fisher
Cambridge - University Press, 1955-
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