Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1996 (5 di 5)

Pagina nr. 1820 di 4635       

O'Connor, Ulick
Irish tales and sagas / Ulick O'Connor ; illustrated by Pauline Bewick
Dublin - Town House, 1996
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O'Doherty, Richard K.
Planning, people and preferences - a role for contingent valuation / Richard K. O'Doherty
Aldershot - Avebury, c1996
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O'Donnell, Daniel Paul
Manuscript variation in multiple-recension Old English poetic texts - the technical problem and poetical art / Daniel Paul O'Donnell ; rel. F. C. Robinson
Yale - Yale university, 1996
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O'Donnell, Guillermo A.
El Estado burocratico autoritario - triunfos, derrotas y crisis / Guillermo O'Donnell
Buenos Aires - Editorial de Belgrano, 1996
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O'Donnell, Thomas Joseph
Medicine and christian morality / Thomas J. O'Donnell
New York - Alba house, 1996
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O'Donovan, Oliver
The desire of the nations - rediscovering the roots of political theology / Oliver O'Donovan
Cambridge - Cambridge University Press, 1996
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O'Drisceoil, Donal
Censorship in Ireland, 1939-1945 - neutrality, politics and society / Donal O'Drisceoil
Cork - Cork university press, 1996
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O'Driscoll, Nina
Business challenges interactive / Nina O'Driscoll, Sarah Macburnie
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato ) - Addison Wesley Longman, c1996
Monografia elettronica

O'Flaherty, Brendan
Making room - the economics of homelessness / Brendan O'Flaherty
Cambridge (Mass.) etc. - Harvard University press, 1996
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O'Flaherty, Michael
Human rights and the UN - practice before the treaty bodies / Michael O'Flaherty
London - Sweet & Maxwell, 1996
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O'Flanagan, Patrick
Xeografia historica de Galicia / Patrick O'Flanagan ; prologo de Xosé M. Souto Gonzalez
Vigo - Edicions Xerais de Galicia, c1996, dep. leg. 1995
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O'Grady, Desmond
Il Galata morente - the Dying Gaul e altre poesie / Desmond O'Grady ; introduzione di Carla De Petris
Pescara - Tracce, (1996)
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O'Hagan, Minako
The coming industry of teletranslation - overcoming communication barriers through telecommunication / Minako O'Hagan
Clevedon etc. - Multilingual matters, c1996
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O'Hanley, David S.
Serpentinites - records of tectonic and petrological history / David S. O'Hanley
New York ; Oxford - Oxford University, 1996
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O'Hara, James J.
True names - Vergil and the Alexandrian tradition of etymological wordplay / James J. O'Hara
Ann Arbor - The University of Michigan Press, ©1996
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