Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1996 (5 di 5)

Pagina nr. 3520 di 4635       

Sotheby's (New York)
Old master drawings - Tuesday, January 9, 1996 / Sotheby's
New York - Sotheby's, (1996 )
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Sotheby's (New York)
Royal French silver, the property of George Ortiz - Wednesday, November 13, 1996 / Sotheby's
London - Sotheby's, ©1996
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Sotheby's (New York)
Sotheby's Arcade Auctions - impressionist, modern and contemporary paintings, drawings and sculpture - wednesday, february 7, 1996 / Sotheby's
New York - Sotheby's, (1996
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Sotheby's (New York)
Sotheby's arcade auctions - modern and contemporary paintings, drawings and sculpture - thursday, october 10, 1996 / Sotheby's
New York - Sotheby's, (1996
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Sotheby's (New York)
Sotheby's arcade auctions - modern and contemporary paintings, drawings and sculpture, including the Collection of Helen W. Benjamin - june 7, 1996 / Sotheby's
New York - Sotheby's, (1996
Testo Monografico

Sotheby's (Sussex)
Folk art- furniture, works of art, pictures, British pottery & porcelain - Summers Place 19 and 20 November 1996 / Sotheby's Sussex
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n., 1996) (Eastbourne - Manor Park Press)
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Sotheby's (Sussex)
Furniture, Oriental rugs, ceramics & glass, paintings, jewellery - 20 August to 11 September 1996 / Sotheby's Sussex, Summers Place
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n., 1996) (Eastbourne - Manor Park Press)
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Sotheby's (Sussex)
Furniture, works of art, rugs, ceramics, paintings, silver, vertu and jewellery - Summers Place 1st to 9th October 1996 / Sotheby's Sussex
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n., 1996) (Eastbourne - Manor Park Press)
Testo Monografico

Sotheby's (Zurigo)
Feine Keramik, Möbel und Zierstücke = Fine continental ceramics, furniture and decorations - Mittwoch, 5. Juni 1996 / Sotheby's AG
Zurich - Sotheby's, (1996 )
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Sotheby's Monaco (Monte Carlo)
Tableaux, mobilier et livres appartenant à Monseigneur le Comte de Paris et Madame la Comtesse de Paris, provenant de la Quinta do Anjinho à Sintra - samedi 14 décembre ... dimanche 15 décembre 1996 / Sotheby's Monaco
Monte Carlo - Sotheby's, 1996
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Sotiropoulos, Dimitrios Athanasios
Populism and bureaucracy - the case of Greece under PASOK, 1981-1989 / Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos
Notre Dame, Ind. ; London - University of Notre Dame press, c1996
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Soto de Rojas, Pedro
Los rayos del Faeton / Pedro Soto de Rojas ; edicion, introduccion y anotaciones de Gregorio Cabello y Javier Campos
Malaga - Servicio de publicaciones dela Universidad de Malaga, dep. leg. 1996
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Soto Fernandez, Liliana
La autobiografia ficticia en Miguel de Unamuno, Carmen Martin Gaite y Jorge Semprun / Liliana Soto-Fernandez
Madrid - Pliegos, dep. leg. 1996
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Soto, Domingo - de (1494-1560)
Commentariorum fratris Dominici Soto Segobiensis, ... ordinis Praedicatorum ... in quartum sententiarum, tomus primus (-secundus)
Salmanticae - excudebat Ioannes a Canoua, 1557
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Soto, Gary
Chicano / Gary Soto ; traduzione di Mario Bellinzona
Milano - A. Mondadori, 1996
Testo Monografico