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Incluso in > Humanismo y pervivencia del mundo clasico - homenaje al profesor Luis Gil / Jose Maria Maestre Maestre, Joaquin Pascual Barea, Luis Charlo Brea (eds.) Testo Monografico Philadelphia ; New York - Lippincott-Raven, c1997 Incluso in > The lung - scientific foundations / editors- Ronald G. Crystal ... et al. Testo Monografico Piscataway - IEEE Service center, c1997 Incluso in > IMTC/97 - IEEE Instrumentation & measurement technology conference - sensing, processing, networking - Hotel Chateau Laurier Ottawa, Canada May 19-21, 1997 Testo Monografico Piscataway - IEEE, c1997 Incluso in > IAS '97 - Conference record of the 1997 IEEE Industry applications conference - Thirty-second IAS annual meeting, october 5-9, 1997, Hyatt Regency Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana Testo Monografico Piscataway - IEEE, c1997 Incluso in > ISIE '97 - proceedings of the IEEE International symposium on industrial electronics - Guimaraes-Portugal, University of Minho, July 7-11, 1997 / sponsors IEEEIndustrial Electronic society and the Un... Testo Monografico Belfort - Ecole nationale d'ingenieurs de Belfort, 1997 Incluso in > Conference on control of industrial systems- control for the future of the youth - Belfort, France, 20-22 May, 1997 / organized on behalf of Association francaise des sciences et technoligies de l'in... Testo Monografico Hong Kong - IEE, (1997 ) Incluso in > 4. International conference on advances in power system control, operation & management - 11-13 November 1997, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition centre, Wanchai, Hong Kong / organized by the Instit... Testo Monografico Milano - Guerini, 1997 Incluso in > Letture e casi di strategia e politica aziendale - anno accademico 1997-1998 - Libero istituto universitario Carlo Cattaneo / a cura di Alessandro Sinatra e Carlo Salvato Testo Monografico Vienne-Pecs - A. E. F. E. C. O., 1997 Incluso in > Belgique francophone - quelques facons de dire les mixites Testo Monografico Milano - Editoriale Genesis, 1997 Incluso in > Vivere on line - i servizi innovativi nella societa dell'informazione - rapporto 1996 / Centro studi intergruppo STET Testo Monografico Newtonville - Oriental research partners, 1997 Incluso in > Voyages and travels through the Russian Empire, tartary, and part of the Kingdom of Persia / John Cook, M.D. ; edited by A. L. Fullerton Testo Monografico Oxford - Voltaire foundation, 1997 Incluso in > Voltaire et ses combats - actes du congres international, Oxford-Paris, 1994 / sous la direction de Ulla Kolving et Christiane Mervaud Testo Monografico Milano - Garzanti, 1997 Incluso in > Georisorse / progetto e direzione dell'opera- Luciano Aleotti Testo Monografico Geneve - Division de la protection internationale de l'office du haut commissaire des Nations unies pour les refugies, 1997 Incluso in > Recueil de traites et autres textes de droit international concernant les refugies et le personnes deplacees - traites et textes juridiques a caractere universel / editeur Jean-Pierre Colombey Testo Monografico Roma - Universita degli studi La sapienza, Dipartimento di scienze demografiche ; Paris - INED, stampa 1997 Incluso in > Demographie- analyse et synthese - causes et consequences des evolutions demographiques - actes du Seminaire international Population et demographie- problemes et politiques - San Miniato (Pise), Cen... Testo Monografico |