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Incluso in > Algebraic geometry-Santa Cruz 1995 - Summer Research Institute on algebraic geometry, July 9-29, 1995, University of California, Santa Cruz / Janos Kollar, Robert Lazarsfeld, David R. Morrison editors Monografia elettronica Rugby, (UK) - Institution of Chemical Engineers, 1997 Incluso in > Distillation and absorption 97 - a three-day symposium / organised by the Institution of Chemica Engineers and the Netherlands Process Technology Foundation, and held at Maastricht, the Netherlands, ... Testo Monografico Moskva - RGGU, 1997 Incluso in > Lotmanovskij sbornik Testo Monografico Vienna - IAEA, c1997 Incluso in > Fusion energy 1996 - proceedings of the 16. international conference on fusion energy held in Montreal, 7-11 october 1996 / IAEA Testo Monografico Roma - G. Bretschneider, 1997 Incluso in > Le lucerne fittili del Museo archeologico di Verona / a cura di Annamaria Larese, Daniele Sgreva Testo Monografico Tokyo - The color science association of Japan, c1997 Incluso in > AIC color 97 - proceedings of the 8. congress of the International colour association - Kyoto-Japan, May 25-30, 1997 Testo Monografico Rotterdam ; Brookfield - Balkema, 1997 Incluso in > Computer methods and advances in geomechanics - proceedings of the ninth international conference on computer methods and advances in geomechanics, Wuhan, China, 2-7 November 1997 / Edited by Jian-Xi... Testo Monografico Rotterdam ; Brookfield - Balkema, 1997 Incluso in > Proceedings of the fourteenth international conference on soil mechanics and foundation engineering - Hamburg, 6-12 September 1997 / Editor Publications Committee of 14. ICSMFE Testo Monografico Warszawa - Elipsa, 1997 Incluso in > Jezyk polski w kraju i za granica - materialy Miedzynarodowej konferencii naukowej polonistow - Warszawa, 14-16 wrzesnia 1995 g. / pod redakcja Barbary Janowskiej i Jozefa Porayskiego-Pomsty Testo Monografico Roma - Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, 1997 Incluso in > Miscellanea etrusco-italica Testo Monografico Oxford - Pergamon, c1997 Incluso in > Proceedings of the second world congress of nonlinear analysts - Athens, Greece, 10-17 July 1996 Testo Monografico Oxford - Oxford University press, c1997 Incluso in > New first certificate masterclass video / Simon Haines, Barbara Stewart Testo Monografico Luxembourg - Office for official publications of the European communities, 1999 Incluso in > Non-nuclear energy programme (1990-1994) - Joule 2. - *synthesis of key findings and recommendations from the assessment of completed projects / European commission, Directorate-general science, rese... Testo Monografico New York - Charles Scribner's sons ; London (etc.) - Simon & Schuster Prentice Hall international, c1997 Incluso in > African writers / C. Brian Cox, editor Testo Monografico Barcellona - CIMNE, 1997 Incluso in > Proceedings of IAMG '97 - the third Annual conference of the International association for mathematical geology Testo Monografico |