Pagina nr. 4304 di 4667 |
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Revolution und Resignation - Sozialphilosophie un die geschichtliche Krise im 20. Jahrhundert bei Max Horkheimer und Hans Freyer / von Michael Grimminger Berlin - Duncker und Humblot, 1997 Testo Monografico Grimmy, Angela Un amore per Marta / Angela Grimmy Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Il veliero blu, stampa 1997 (Varese - Copytype) Testo Monografico Grimsdottir, Vigdis Z - a love story / Vigdis Grimsdottir ; translated from the Icelandic by Anne Jeeves London - Mare's Nest, 1997 Testo Monografico Grimshaw, Robert Planning to care - regulation, procedure and practice under the Children Act 1989 / Roger Grimshaw and Ruth Sinclair London - National Children's bureau, c1997 Testo Monografico Grimvall, Goran Warum funkeln die Sterne - die geheimnisvollen Naturphänomene verständlich erklärt / Göran Grimvall Augsburg - Bechtermünz, 1997 (printed in Italy) Testo Monografico Grin, Aleksandr Stepanovic 5- Beguscaja po volnam ; Dzessi i morgiana ; Doroga nikuda - romany / A. S. Grin Moskva - Hudozestvennaja literatura, 1997 Incluso in > Sobranie socinenij v pjati tomah / A. S. Grin Testo Monografico Grinberg, Avi Trattato di riflessologia olistica - diagnosi e terapia con il massaggio zonale del piede / Avi Grinberg Como - Red, 1997 Testo Monografico Grinde, Kirsti Stockholms music-tidning - 1843-1844 ; *Ny tidning for musik - 1853-1857 / prepared by Kirsti Grinde ; introduction by Veslemöy Heintz ; data processed and edited at the Center for studies in nineteenth-century music, University of Maryland, College Park Ann Arbor (Mich.) - UMI, ©1997 Testo Monografico Grinde, Kirsti Tidsskrift for musik - 1857-1859 ; *Nordisk Tidsskrift for musik - 1871-1873 ; Musikbladet - 1884-1895 ; Skandinaviske Signaler - 1894-1895 / prepared by Kirsti Grinde ; introduction by Eva Brit Fanger; data processed and edited at the Center for studies in nineteenth-century music, University of Maryland, College Park Ann Arbor (Mich.) - UMI, ©1997 Testo Monografico Grindea, Dan Shock therapy and privatization - an analysis of Romanias economic reform / Dan Grindea Boulder - East European monographs - distributed by Columbia university press, 1997 Testo Monografico Grindler, Gilles Courir en montagne / Gilles Grindler, Raymond Joffre (Grenoble - Editions de Belledonne, 1997 Testo Monografico Grindley, Kit Gestire la I.T. ai livelli superiori / Kit Grindley Bresso - Jackson libri, ©1997 Testo Monografico Grindley, Sally Hot hippos - animal stories for the very young / selected and edited by Sally Gringley ; illustrated by Siobhan Dodds London - Kingfisher, 1997 Testo Monografico Griner, Cristina ÂIl Âmanuale del charter / Cristina Griner Milano - Portoria, stampa 1997 Testo Monografico Gringauz, Alex Introduction to medicinal chemistry - how drugs act and why / Alex Gringauz New York etc. - Wiley-VCH, c1997 Testo Monografico |