Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1997 (5 di 5)

Pagina nr. 1410 di 4791       

McDonnel, Robert Denis
Deformation of fine-grained synthetic peridotite under wet conditions / Robert D. McDonnel
Utrecht - Faculteit Aardwetenschappen, Universiteit Utrecht, 1997?
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McDonnell, Joseph
Five hundred years of the art of the book in Ireland - 1500 to the present / Joseph McDonnell
London - National Gallery of Ireland in association with Merrell Holberton, 1997
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McDonnell, Patrick
Il primo libro dei Mutts / Patrick McDonell
Milano - Baldini & Castoldi, 1997
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McDonough, Frank
The origins of the first and second world wars / Frank McDonough
Cambridge - Cambridge university press, 1997
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McDougall, Bonnie S.
The literature of China in the twentieth century / Bonnie S. McDougall, Kam Louie
London - Hurst & Co, ©1997
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McDougall, Derek
The international politics of the New Asia Pacific / Derek McDougall
Boulder etc. - Lynne Rienner, c1997
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McDougall, Joyce
Eros - le deviazioni del desiderio / Joyce McDougall
Milano - R. Cortina, 1997
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McDougall, Walter A.
...The heavens and the earth - a political history of the space age / Walter A. McDougall
Baltimore ; London - The Johns Hopkins university press, 1997
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McDougall, Walter A.
Promised land, crusader state - the american encounter with the world since 1776 / Walter A. McDougall
Boston ; New York - Houghton Mifflin, 1997
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McDowall, David
A modern history of the Kurds / David McDowall
London ; New York - Tauris, 1997
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McDowell, Bruce
Environmental consequences of a reduced federal role in transportation / forum chair- Emil Frankel ; report prepared by Bruce McDowell
Lansdowne - ENO Transportation Foundation, c1997
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McDowell, Colin
Forties fashion and the new look / Colin McDowell
London - Bloomsbury, 11997
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McDowell, Colin
Galliano / Colin McDowell
London - Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1997
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McDowell, Colin
Histoire de la mode masculine / Colin McDowell
Paris - Ed. de la Martiniere, 1997
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McDowell, Linda
Capital culture - gender at work in the city / Linda McDowell
Oxford - Blackwell, 1997
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