Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1997 (5 di 5)

Pagina nr. 1544 di 4791       

Mike Cronin
The Blueshirts and Irish politics / Mike Cronin
Dublin ; Portland, OR - Four Courts Press, c1997
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Mikel, Anton F.
The master argument of Diodorus Cronus / Anton F. Mikel
Ann Arbor, Michigan - University microfilms international, 1997
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Mikels, Jennifer
Un campione da baciare / Jennifer Mikels
Milano - Harlequin Mondadori, 1997
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Mikes, Kelemen
Torokorszągi levelek / Mikes Kelemen
Budapest - Unikornis, 1997
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Mikesh, Robert C.
Restoring museum aircraft / Robert Mikesh
Shrewsbury - Airlife, 1997
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Mikhailov, K. E.
Fossil and recent eggshell in amniotic vertebrates - fine structure, comparative morphology and classification / by K. E. Mikhailov
London - Palaeontological association, 1997
Incluso in > Special papers in palaeontology
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Mikhailov, K. E.
Fossil and recent eggshell in amniotic vertebrates - fine structure, comparative morphology and classification / by K. E. Mikhailov
London - Palaeontological association, 1997
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Mikhoff, Nikola
Bulgarien und die Bulgaren im Urteil des Auslandes / N. Mikhoff
Sofia - Staatsdruckerei, 1918- .
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Quč pensa Mikimoto / entrevistat per Eva Piquer
Barcelona - Dčria, 1997
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Mikkelsen, Gunner B.
Bibliographia manichaica - a comprehensive bibliography of manichaeism through 1996 / by Gunner B. Mikkelsen
Turnhout - Brepols, c1997
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Mikko, Sofia
A comparative analysis of genetic diversity at Mhc DRB loci in some ruminant species - doctoral thesis / Sofia Mikko
Uppsala - Swedish university of agricultural sciences, 1997
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Mikler, Hubertus
Die römischen Funde aus Bein im Landesmuseum Mainz / Hubertus Mikler
Montagnac - M. Mergoil, 1997
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Miklos, Cseri
A Balaton-felvidek nepi epiteszete / Cser Miklos,S.Lackovits Emoke
Veszprem - Megyei Onkormanyzat, 1997
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Miklowitz, David Jay
Bipolar disorder - a family-focused treatment approach / David J. Miklowitz, Michael J. Goldstein
New York ; London - Guilford Press, c1997
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Mikol, Tullio
I giornali triestini / Tullio Mikol, Marko Tavcar
Udine - Istituto regionale di documentazione e comunicazione, 1982-
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