Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1997 (5 di 5)

Pagina nr. 1788 di 4791       

Muckel, Stefan
Religiöse Freiheit und staatliche Letztentscheidung - die verfassungsrechtlichen Garantien religiöser Freiheit unter veränderten gesellschaftlichen Verhältnissen / von Stefan Muckel
Berlin - Duncker & Humblot, ©1997
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Mudd, S. C.
Technology for motor mechanics / S.C. Mudd
London - Edward Arnold
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Mudie, Peter
Marketing - an analytical perspective / Peter Mudie
London etc. - Prentice Hall, 1997
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Mudimbe, Valentin Yves
Entre les eaux / V.Y. Mudimbe
Paris - Présence africaine, (1997 )
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Mudimbe, Valentin Yves
Tales of faith - religion as political performance in Central Africa / V.Y. Mudimbe
London ; Atlantic Highlands - Athlone Press, 1997
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Indigenous literature of Australia / Mudrooroo
Melbourne - Hyland House, 1997
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Mueck, Thomas A.
Index data structures in object-oriented databases / by Thomas A. Mueck, Martin L. Polaschek
Boston etc. - Kluwer Academic, c1997
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Muellbauer, John
Booms and busts in the UK housing market / John Muellbauer and Anthony Murphy
London - Centre for economic policy research, 1997
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Muellbauer, John
Income persistence and macro-policy feedbacks in the United Nations / John Muellbauer
London - Centre for economic policy research, 1997
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Mueller Asow, Erich Hermann - von
Richard Strauss - Thematische Verzeichnis
Wien ; Wiesbaden - Doblinger, 1955-
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Mueller, Dennis C.
La teoria delle scelte collettive 2. / Dennis C. Mueller ; traduzione e introduzione all'edizione italiana di C. Giannone
Napoli - Idelson, 1997
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Mueller, Ferdinand Jakob Heinrich - von
Iconography of candolleaceous plants / by Ferd. von Mueller
Melbourne - Robt. S. Brain, 1892-
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Mueller, Gerhard G. (economista)
Accounting - an international perspective / Gerhard G. Mueller, Helen Gernon, Gary K. Meek
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Mueller, Harald
Zattera dei morti / Harald Mueller ; traduzione di Saverio Vertone ; introduzione di Michaela Burger
Venezia - Marsilio, 1997
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Mueller, Milton L. (jr.)
Universal service - competition, interconnection, and monopoly in the making of the American telephone system / Milton L. Mueller, jr
Cambridge, Mass. ; London - MIT ; Washington - AEI, 1997
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