Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1997 (5 di 5)

Pagina nr. 3895 di 4791       

Symposium Hellenisticum (7. ; 1995 ; Utrecht)
Assent and argument - studies in Cicero's Academic books - proceedings of the 7. Symposium Hellenisticum - Utrecht, August 21-25 1995 / edited by Brad Inwood and Jaap Mansfeld
Leiden etc. - Brill, 1997
Testo Monografico

Symposium Heracliteum (1981 ; Chieti)
Atti del Symposium Heracliteum 1981 / a cura di Livio Rossetti
Roma - Edizioni dell'Ateneo, 1983-
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Symposium in honor of Vitelmo V. Betero (1997 ; Berkeley)
The EERC-CUREe symposium in honor of Vitelmo V. Bertero - January 31 - February 1, 1997 Berkeley, California / Earthquake Engineering Research Center and Californi Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering
Berkeley - Earthquake Engineering Research Center, 1997
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Symposium international d'etudes morisques (7. ; 1997 ; Zaghouan)
Actes du 7. symposium international d'etudes morisques sur- famille morisque-femmes et enfants / etudes réunies et préfacées par Abdeljelil Temimi. -Zaghouan - Fondation Temimi, 1997
345, 92 p. - ill
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Symposium international de géomorphologie (1971 ; Liegi-Caen)
Symposium International de géomorphologie consacré à l'étude des processus périglaciaires pour l'expérimentation en laboratoire et la mesure de la dynamique sur le terrain - Liège-Caen, 1-9 julliet 1971
Liège - Université de Liège, 1972- .
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Symposium international James Joyce (5 ; 1975 ; Parigi)
Joyce & Paris - 1902.....1920-1940.....1975 - Actes du Cinquième Symposium International James Joyce, Paris 16-20 Juin 1975 / textes rassemblés par J. Aubert et Maria Jolas
Paris - Éditions du CNRS ; Villeneuve-D'Ascq - Publications de l'Université de Lille, 1979- .
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Symposium Internazionale (1. ; 1996 ; Fiuggi)
Donne in musica- gli incontri al borgo - atti del 1. Symposium internazionale - *Fiuggi, 18-20 settembre 1996 / a cura di Benedetto Volpe
Fiuggi - Fondazione Adkins Chiti- Donne in musica, 1997 ; Frosinone - Tip. Bianchini, 1997
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Symposium internazionale Partners Europe (3. ; 1996 ; Torino)
Stazioni e aeroporti- le nuove porte della citta del Duemila - 3. Symposium internazionale Partners Europe, Torino 27-29 luglio 1996 / a cura di Franco Mellano
Torino - Celid, c1997
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Symposium Non-digestible oligosaccharides Healthy food for the colon (1997 ; Wageningen)
Non-digestible oligosaccharides healthy food for the colon? - proceedings of the International Symposium 'Non-digestible oligosaccharides- healthy food for the colon?' Wageningen, the Netherlands, 4-5 December 1997 / R. Hartemink (compiler)
Wageningen - Wageningen Pers, c1997
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Symposium of the International Astronomical Union (170. ; 1995 - Tucson)
CO- twenty five years of millimeter-wave spectroscopy - Proceedings of the 170th symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Tucson, Arizona, May 29 - June 5, 1995 / edited by William B. Latter ... (ed altri)
Dordrecht (etc.) - Kluwer, c1997
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Symposium on batteries for portable applications and electric vehicles (1997 ; Parigi)
Proceedings of the symposium on batteries for portable applications and electric vehicles / editors Curtis F. Holmes, Albert R. Landgrebe
Pennington - Electrochemical Society, 1997
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Symposium on biotechnology for fuels and chemicals (18. ; 1996 ; Gatlinburg)
Biotechnology for fuels and chemicals - proceedings of the eighteenth Symposium on biotechnology for fuels and chemicals held May 5-9, 1996 at Gatlinburg, Tennessee / sponsored by U. S. Department of energy's biofuels energy systems division ... (ed altri ; editors Brian H. Davison, Charles E. Wyman, Mark Finkelstein
Totowa (NJ) - Humana press, (©1997
Incluso in > Applied biochemistry and biotechnology
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Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (38. 1997-Miami Beach, Florida)
Annual symposium on foundations of computer science - 38th - Miami Beach, Florida, october 20-22, 1997 / IEEE Computer Society
Piscataway, N. J. - IEEE Computer society
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Symposium on fusion technology (19. ; 1996 ; Lisbon)
Fusion technology 1996 - proceedings of the 19. symposium on fusion technology - Lisbon, Portugal, 16-20 september 1996 - 19. SOFT 1996 / edited by C. Varandas and F. Serra
Amsterdam (etc) - North Holland Elsevier, 1997
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Symposium on graph drawing (1996 ; Berkeley)
Graph drawing - Symposium on graph drawing, GD '96 - Berkely, California, USA, September 18-20, 1996 - proceedings / Stephen North (ed.)
Berlin etc. - Springer, c1997
Testo Monografico