Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1997 (5 di 5)

Pagina nr. 4571 di 4791       

White, Kenneth
Il testamento di Ovidio e tre poemi atlantici - Bassa marea a Landrellec, Finisterra o la logica della Baia di Lannion, In Aquitania / Kenneth White ; a cura di Matteo Meschiari
(Bologna - Associazione culturale In forma di parole), 1997
Incluso in > Il pomerio
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White, L. Michael
2- Texts and monuments for the Christian domus ecclesiae in its environment / L. Michael White
Valley Forge - Trinity press, 1996
Incluso in > The social origins of Christian architecture
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White, Leila
Suomen kielioppia ulkomaalaisille / Leila White
Helsinki - Finn lectura ab, 1997
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White, Michael
The impact of public job placing programmes / Michael White, Steve Lissenburgh and Alex Bryson
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White, Michael
Isaac Newton - the last sorcerer / Michael White
London - Fourth Estate, c1997
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White, Michael J.
Partisan or neutral - The futility of public political theory / Michael J. White
Lanham etc. - Rowman & Littlefield, c1997
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White, Nicholas P.
A companion to Platos Republic / Nicholas P. White
Indianapolis - Hackett, 1997
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White, Nigel D.
Keeping the peace - the United Nations and the maintenance of international peace and security / N. D. White
Manchester - Manchester University Press, 1997
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White, Patrick
Collected plays / Patrick White
Sydney - Currency press
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White, Richard
King Arthur in legend and history / edited by Richard White ; with a foreword by Allan Massie
London - J. M. Dent, 1997
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White, Richard J.
Guide to ICC uniform rules for contract bonds & model forms / by Richard J. White
Paris - ICC, 1997
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White, Robert Douglas
Crime and social control - an introduction / Rob White, Santina Perrone
Oxford - Oxford University Press, 1997
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White, Robert Edwin
Principles and practice of soil science - the soil as a natural resource / R. E. White
London (etc.) - Blackwell Science, c1997
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White, Roger
Nicholas Hawksmoor and the replanning of Oxford / Roger White
Oxford - University of Oxfors, Ashmolean Museum ; Londra - Royal Institute of British Architects, c1997
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White, Ron
Il computer - come e fatto e come funziona / Ron White ; illustrato da Timothy Edward Downs e Sarah Ishida
Milano - Mondadori informatica ; Emeryville - Ziff-Davis press, 1997
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