Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1998 (3 di 5)

Pagina nr. 3325 di 4667       

Shakespeare Jahrbuch / herausgegeben im Auftrage der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft
Leipzig - B. Tauchnitz
Pubblicazione Periodica

Shakespeare nao serve de alibi - crime na belle-epoque carioca / Licinio Rios
Sao Paulo - Editora 34, 1998
Testo Monografico

Shakespeare on film / Edited by Robert Shaughnessy
Houndmills - Macmillan, 1998
Testo Monografico

Shakespeare on film / edited by Robert Shaughnessy
New York - St. Martin's press, 1998
Testo Monografico

Shakespeare on film newsletter
Burlington - Dept. of English, University of Vermont, 1976-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Shakespeare quarterly
Washington - Folger Shakespeare Library, 1950-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Shakespeare studies / editor Leeds Barroll ; associate editor Barry Gaines
Rutheford (etc.) - Associated University presses
Pubblicazione Periodica

Shakespeare survey - an annual survey of shakespearian study and production
Cambridge (etc. - The university press, 1948-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Shakespeare yearbook
Lewiston, N.Y. - Edwin Mellen Press, c1990-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Shakespeare's tragedies / edited by Susan Zimmerman
Basingstoke (etc.) - Macmillan, 1998
Testo Monografico

Shakespearean criticism - excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, from the first published appraisals to current evaluations
Detroit - Gale, ©1984-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Shakespearean illumination - essays in honor of Marvin Rosenberg / edited by Jay L. Halio and Hugh Richmond
Newark (NJ) etc. - University of Delaware Press, c1998
Testo Monografico

Shakespearean power and punishment - a volume of essays / edited by Gillian Murray Kendall
Madison etc. - Fairleigh Dickinson University press ; London - Associated University presses, c1998
Testo Monografico

Shakespeares tragedies / edited by Susan Zimmerman
Houndmill - Macmillan, 1998
Testo Monografico

Series 6- Shakspere's England - 1-8, 12, 14
Incluso in > New Shakspere Society. London
Testo Monografico