Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1999 (4 di 6)

Pagina nr. 3971 di 4667       

Farquhar, Mary Ann
Children's literature in China - from Lu Xun to Mao Zedong / Mary Ann Farquhar
Armonk, New York etc. - M. E. Sharpe, ©1999
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Farr, Cynthia J.M.
The interface between syntax and discourse in Korafe, a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea / Cynthia J.M. Farr
(Canberra) - Australian National University. Research school of Pacific and Asian studies, 1999
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Farr, David
Les lunettes d'Elton John - une piece / de David Farr ; mise en scene Stephan Meldegg ; texte francais Attica Guedj et Stephan Meldegg
Paris - L'Avant-scene, 1999
Incluso in > L' Avant-scene theatre
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Farr, David
The nativity / David Farr
London - Faber and Faber, 1999
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Farr, David
The Young Vic Theatre Company presents The Nativity / adapted and directed by David Farr
London - Faber and Faber, 1999
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Farr, Dennis
Francis Bacon - A Retrospective. / Curator Dennis Farr e Massimo Martino
New York - Harry N. Abrams, 1999
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Farrar-Hockley, Anthony
The British part in the Korean war / Anthony Farrar-Hockley
London - HMSO, 1990-
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Farrell Erickson, Martha
Infants, toddlers and families - a framework for support and intevention / Martha Farrell Erickson, Karen Kurz-Riemer
New York - Guilford Press, c1999
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Farrell, Betty G.
Family - the making of an idea, an institution, and a controversy in American culture / Betty G. Farrell
Boulder - Westview, 1999
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Farrell, Christopher A.
Day trade online / Christopher A. Farrell
New York (etc.) - Wiley, c1999
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Farrell, Gerry
Indian music and the West / Gerry Farrell
Oxford - Oxford University press, 1999
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Farrell, James Gordon
The Singapore grip / J. G. Farrel ; introduction by Derek Mahon
New York - New York review books, c1999
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Farrell, Jay A.
The global positioning system and inertial navigation / Jay Farrell, Matthew Barth
New York etc. - McGraw-Hill, c1999
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Farrell, Joyce
A guide to programming logic and design - comprehensive / Joyce Farrell
Cambridge - ITP, 1999
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Farrell, Joyce
Java programming - introductory / Joyce Farrell
Cambridge etc. ; Course technology, 1999
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