Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1999 (5 di 6)

Pagina nr. 3246 di 4667       

Qus ybi, Ghazi Abd al-Rah?an
Seven / Ghazi Algosaibi ; translated from the Arabic by Basil Hatim & Gavin Watterson
London - Saqi Books, 1999
Testo Monografico

Qutb, Muhammad 'Ali
Al- qubbah al-khadra' - dirasah tarikhiyah mawthiqah 'an al-hajarah al-nabawiyah al-sharifah wa-muhawalat sariqat al-jasad al-sharif / Muhammad 'Ali Qutb
al-Qahirah - al-Dar al-thaqafiyah lil-nashr, 1999
Testo Monografico

Quérard, Joseph-Marie
La France littéraire ou Dictionnaire bibliographique des savants, historiens et gens de lettres de la France, ainsi que des littérateurs étrangers qui ont écrit en français, plus particulièrement pendant les 18.e et 19.e siècles. Ouvrage dans lequel on a inséré, afin d'en former une Bibliographie nationale complète, l'indication 1° des réimpressions des ouvrages français de tous les âges; 2° des diverses traductions en notre langue de tous les auteurs étrangers, anciens et modernes; 3° celle des réimpressions faites en France des ouvrages originaux de ces mêmes auteurs étrangers, pendant cette époque. Par J.-M. Quérard. Tome premier (-douzième)
Paris - chez Firmin Didot, père et fils, libraires, rue Jacob, n° 24, 1827-1864 ((Parigi) - imprimerie de Firmin Didot, rue Jacob, no 24)
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Quéré, Raymond
Il mio album degli adesivi / ideazione Raymond Quèrè ; disegni - Arnaud Quèrè
Novara - De Agostini, 1999
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Qúpersimân, Georg
Il mio passato eschimese - memorie di uno sciamano della Groenlandia / Georg Qúpersimân ; a cura di Otto Sandgreen ; traduzione di Eva Kampmann
Parma - U. Guanda, 1999
Testo Monografico

R & P (s.c.r.l.)
Italia multinazionale 1998 - 7. rapporto biennale predisposto per il CNEL da R&P / a cura di Ruggero Cominotti, Sergio Mariotti, Marco Mutinelli ; prefazione di Giuseppe De Rita
Roma - CNEL, 1999
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R & P (s.c.r.l.)
Multinational Italy 1998 / research promoted by CNEL ; edited by Ruggero Cominotti, Sergio Mariotti and Marco Mutinelli ; prefaced by Giuseppe De Rita
Roma - (s.n.), 1999 (Roma - tip. Rinascimento)
Testo Monografico

R'99 world congress (1999 ; Ginevra)
6- Addendum
(Gallen, Switzerland - EMPA, 1999)
Incluso in > R'99 - recovery recycling re-integration - collected papers of the R'99 world congress, Geneva, Switzerland, February 2-5, 1999 / editors Anis Barrage, Xaver Edelmann
Testo Monografico

R'99 world congress (1999 ; Ginevra)
4- Biological processes, chemical processes / editors- Anis Barrage, Xaver Edelmann
Gallen, Switzerland - EMPA, 1999
Incluso in > R'99 - recovery recycling re-integration - collected papers of the R'99 world congress, Geneva, Switzerland, February 2-5, 1999 / editors Anis Barrage, Xaver Edelmann
Testo Monografico

R'99 world congress (1999 ; Ginevra)
3- Logistics- network identification & separation, mechanical recycling, product design, ecodesign innovation / editors- Anis Barrage, Xaver Edelmann
Gallen, Switzerland - EMPA, 1999
Incluso in > R'99 - recovery recycling re-integration - collected papers of the R'99 world congress, Geneva, Switzerland, February 2-5, 1999 / editors Anis Barrage, Xaver Edelmann
Testo Monografico

R'99 world congress (1999 ; Ginevra)
5- National & regional integrated waste management concepts / editors- Anis Barrage, Xaver Edelmann
Gallen, Switzerland - EMPA, 1999
Incluso in > R'99 - recovery recycling re-integration - collected papers of the R'99 world congress, Geneva, Switzerland, February 2-5, 1999 / editors Anis Barrage, Xaver Edelmann
Testo Monografico

R'99 world congress (1999 ; Ginevra)
1- Plenary session, integrated resources management, legislation, socio-economic issues, life cycle analysis / editors- Anis Barrage, Xaver Edelmann
Gallen, Switzerland - EMPA, 1999
Incluso in > R'99 - recovery recycling re-integration - collected papers of the R'99 world congress, Geneva, Switzerland, February 2-5, 1999 / editors Anis Barrage, Xaver Edelmann
Testo Monografico

R'99 world congress (1999 ; Ginevra)
R'99 - recovery recycling re-integration - collected papers of the R'99 world congress, Geneva, Switzerland, February 2-5, 1999 / editors Anis Barrage, Xaver Edelmann
Gallen, Switzerland - EMPA, 1999
Testo Monografico

R. & S.
4- Annate 1976-1999
Milano - Ricerche e Studi, 1999
Incluso in > R & S - 1999
Testo Monografico

R. & S.
R & S - 1999
Milano - Ricerche e Studi
Testo Monografico