Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2000 (5 di 6)

Pagina nr. 2773 di 4667       

Naibod, Valentin (m. 1593)
Primarum de coelo et terra institutionum ... / Valentin Naibod
Naples, Fl. - NewsBank Readex
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Naibod, Valentin (m. 1593)
Valentini Naibodae Astronomicarum institutionum libri 3 / Valentin Naibod
Naples, Fl. - NewsBank Readex
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Naidu, A. S.
Lactoferrin - natural, multifunctional antimicrobial / A. S. Naidu
Boca Raton (etc.) - CRC press, c2000
Monografia elettronica

Naikaku Bunko (Tokyo)
Naikaki Bunko Yosho Bunrui Mokuroku
Tokyo - Naikaku Bunko, 1968- .
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Annals of the Turkish Empire from 1591 to 1659 of the Christian era / by Naima
New York - Arno Press, 1973
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Naipaul, V. S.
Between father and son - family letters / V. S. Naipaul ; ed. by Gillon Altken
New York - Alfred Knopf, 2000
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Naipaul, V. S.
A house for Mr Biswas / V. S. Naipaul
London - Penguin Books, 2000
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Naipaul, V. S.
A house for Mr Biswas / V. S. Naipaul ; with an introduction by Ian Buruma
London - Penguin Books, 2000
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Naipaul, V. S.
India / V. S. Naipaul ; traduzione di Katia Bagnoli
Milano - A. Mondadori, 2000
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Naipaul, V. S.
Letters between a father and son / V. S. Naipaul ; with introduction and notes by Gillon Aitken
London - Abacus, 2000
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Naipaul, V. S.
Reading & writing - a personal account / by V. S. Naipaul
New York - New York review books, 2000
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Nairn, Rob
La mente adamantina - psicologia della meditazione / Rob Nairn
Roma - Ubaldini, 2000
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Nairn, Tom
After Britain - new Labour and the return of Scotland / Tom Nairn
London - Granta books, 2000
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Naisbitt, John
High tech e rapporti umani - un affascinante viaggio attraverso la società ipertecnologica - il mondo che abbiamo creato e quello che ci aspetta / John Naisbitt ; con la collaborazione di Nana Naisbitt e Douglas Philips
Milano - F. Angeli, 2000
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Naismith, Bill
Harold Pinter - The birthday party, The caretaker, The homecoming / Bill Naismith
London - Faber and Faber, 2000
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