Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2001 (3 di 6)

Pagina nr. 3595 di 4666       

Secret - l'issimo dei fumetti di spionaggio e d'azione
Milano - Mondadori, 1976-
Pubblicazione Periodica

The secret garden / Frances Hodgson Burnett ; retold by Clare West ; illustrated by Jenny Brackley
Oxford (GB) - Oxford University Press, 2001
Testo Monografico

Secret service
Roma - s. n., 1959 -
Pubblicazione Periodica

1- Les secrets de famille / ouvrage cordonne par Carole Desbarats ; textes de Carole Desbarats ... (ed altri
Saint Sulpice sur Loire - Edite par L'ACOR, 2001
Incluso in > Derriere la porte / ouvrage cordonne par Carole Desbarats
Testo Monografico

Secrets des arts, recettes et formules - partie industrielle de la revue scientifique
Paris - Quesneville
Pubblicazione Periodica

Secrets in neurologia / Loren A. Rolak... (et. al.)
Milano - Mosby, (2001)
Testo Monografico

Secrets of nature - astrology and alchemy in early modern Europe / edited by William R. Newman and Anthony Grafton
Cambridge, Mass. (etc.) - MIT press, ©2001
Testo Monografico

Secrets of signals intelligence during the cold war and beyond / editors Matthew M. Aid, Cees Wiebes
London ; Portland (Or.) - F. Cass, 2001
Testo Monografico

Sect. A - Denmark, Iceland and Norway / editor David Metherell. -
Incluso in > Scandinavian biographical archive - two single-alphabet cumulations of more than 400 of the most important biographical reference works originally published between the 17th 20th centuries
Testo Monografico

Sect. B - Sweden and Finland / editor Paul Guthrie. -
Incluso in > Scandinavian biographical archive - two single-alphabet cumulations of more than 400 of the most important biographical reference works originally published between the 17th 20th centuries
Testo Monografico

2. Section - hommage a Thomas A, Sebeok, 80 years - from fennougrian studies to biosemiotics / editor Eero Tarasti ; assistant editors Richard Littlefield ... (ed altri)
Imatra - International Semiotics Institute, 2001
Incluso in > Nordic-Baltic summer institute for semiotic and structural studies, june 12-21, 2000 in Imatra, Finland / editor Eero Tarasti ; assistant editors Richard Littlefield ... (et al.)
Testo Monografico

3. Sections - Semiotics practise in therapy, semitoics of translation 19. annual meeting of the semiotic society of finland / editor Eero Tarasti ; assistant editors Richard Littlefield ... (ed altri)
Imatra - International Semiotics Institute, 2001
Incluso in > Nordic-Baltic summer institute for semiotic and structural studies, june 12-21, 2000 in Imatra, Finland / editor Eero Tarasti ; assistant editors Richard Littlefield ... (et al.)
Testo Monografico

32- O seculo 20., a literatura anterior a Guerra Civil / coordinacion Anxo Tarrio Varela
A Coruna - Hercules de Ediciones, c2001
Incluso in > 30/35- Literatura / coordinacion Dario Villanueva Prieto
Testo Monografico

Securindex - Buyers' & sellers' guide ..
Bologna - Edis
Pubblicazione Periodica

Securitas - bimestrale di studi e documentazione
Roma - Sapere 2000, 1989-
Pubblicazione Periodica