Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2001 (4 di 6)

Pagina nr. 2110 di 4667       

Birkinshaw, Marie
Football frenzy / written by Marie Birkinshaw ; illustrated by Rosslyn Moran
London - Ladybird, 2001
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Birkinshaw, Patrick
Freedom of information - the law, the practice and the ideal / Patrick Birkinshaw
London - Butterworths, 2001
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Birkinshaw, Patrick
Government and information- the law relating to access, disclosure and regulation / Patrick Birkinshaw
London - Butterworths, c2001
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Birkland, Thomas A.
An introduction to the policy process - theories, concepts, and models of public policy making / Thomas A. Birkland
Armonk ; London - M.E. Sharpe, c2001
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Birkner, Karin
Bewerbungsgespräche mit Ost- und Westdeutschen - eine Kommunikative Gattung in Zeiten gesellschaftlichen Wandels / Karin Birkner
Tübingen - Niemeyer, 2001
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Birla, Ghanshyam Singh
L' amore in palmo di mano - chiromanzia per il successo nelle relazioni amorose / Ghanshyam Singh Birla ; traduzione dall'inglese di Milvia Faccia
Roma - Mediterranee, 2001
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Birmajer, Marcelo
Historias de hombres casados / Marcelo Birmajer
Madrid - Grupo Santillana de ediciones, (2001)
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Birmajer, Marcelo
Nuevas historias de hombres casados / Marcelo Birmajer
Buenos Aires - Alfaguara, c2001
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Birmanns, Stephanie
Internationale Verkehrsflughäfen - völkerrechtliche Verpflichtungen und innerstaatliche Einflussnahmemöglichkeiten des Bundes hinsichtlich kapazitätserweiternder Massnahmen / von Stephanie Birmanns
Berlin - Duncker & Humblot, c2001
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Birmingham, John
E morì con un felafel in mano / John Birmingham ; traduzione di Sandra Bordigoni
Roma - Fandango libri, 2001
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Birn, Raymond
Forging Rousseau - print, commerce and cultural manipulation in the late Enlightenment / Raymond Birn
Oxford - Voltaire foundation, 2001
Incluso in > SVEC - Studies on Voltaire and the eighteenth century
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Birnbacher, Korbinian
Die Erzbischofe von Salzburg und das Monchtum zur Zeit des Investiturstreites (1060-1164) / Korbinian Birnbacher
St. Ottilien - EOS Verlag, 2001
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Birnbaum, Abe (1899-)
Green eyes / A. Birnbaum
New York - Golden books, (2001)
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Birnbaum, Daniel
Doug Aitken / Daniel Birnbaum, Amanda Sharp, Jorg Heiser
London - Phaidon, 2001
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Birnbaum, Michael H.
Introduction to behavioral research on the internet / Michael H. Birnbaum
New Jersey - Prentice Hall, c2001
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