Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2001 (5 di 6)

Pagina nr. 972 di 4667       

Kaufmann, Walter
4- Magnetismus und Elektrizitat / von Walter Kaufmann und Alfred Coehn
Braunschweig - F. Vieweg, 1909-
Incluso in > Muller-Pouillets Lehrbuch der Physik und Meteorologie
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Kaufmann-Kohler, Gabrielle
Arbitration at the Olympics - issues of fast-track dispute resolution and sports law / by Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler
The Hague °etc. - Kluwer Law International, c2001
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Kaukonen, Jorma
Barbeque king / Jorma Kaukonen
(Gran Bretagna) - Evangeline Records, c2001
Registrazione audio

Kaunzner, Ulrike A.
Das Ohr als Schlussel zur Fremdsprachenkompetenz - technisch gestutztes Hor- und Aussprachetraining fur den Weg in die globale Zukunft / Ulrike A. Kaunzner
Tubingen - J. Groos, c2001
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Kauppinen, Jyrki
Fourier transforms in spectroscopy / Jyrki Kauppinen, Jari Partanen
Berlin (etc.) - Wiley-VCH, 2001
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Kaur, Amarjit
Historical dictionary of Malaysia / Amarjit Kaur
Lanham, Md and London - The Scarecrow press, 2001
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Kaut, Ellis
Immer dieser Pumuckl / Ellis Kaut ; mit illustrationen von Brian Bagnall
Munchen - Omnibus, 2001
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Kau iliyam Arthasastram / original text translation in Hindi with historical, geographical and cultural notes by Raghunath Singh
Varanasi - Khrishnadas academy, 1983-
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Kautskij, Karl Johann
Iz istorii obscestvennych tecenij (Istorija socializma) / K. Kautskij ; polnyj per. E. K. i I. N. Leont'evych
S. Peterburg - Tip. T-va 'Obscestvennaja Pol'za', 1906 -
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Kautto, Mikko
Nordic welfare states in the european context / edited by Mikko Kautto...(ed altri)
London ; New York - Routledge, 2001
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Kavadi, Naresh B.
Spoken Marathi / by Naresh B. Kavadi and Franklin C. Southworth
Philadelphia - University of Pennsylvania press, 1965-
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Kavakas, Dimitrios
Greece and Spain in European foreign policy - the influence of southern member states in common foreign and security policy / Dimitrios Kavakas
Aldershot (etc.) - Ashgate, 2001
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Kavaljit, Singh
Global corporate power - emerging trends and issues / Kavaljit Singh
Delhi - Public Interest Research Centre ; Berlin - Asia-Europe Dialogue Project, 2001
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Kavanagh, Patrick (1904-1967)
The green fool / Patrick Kavanagh
Harmondsworth - Penguin Books, 2001
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Kavanagh, Seamus
A lexicon of the Old Irish glosses in the Wurzburg manuscript of the Epistles of St. Paul / Seamus Kavanagh ; Dagmar S. Wodtko (ed.)
Wien - Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaft, 2001
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