Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2002 (4 di 6)

Pagina nr. 2212 di 4666       

Christie's (Londra)
European furniture - London, 11 September 2002 / Christie's
London - Christie's, (2002 )
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Empowerment of the learner - changes and challenges/ Rita Kupetz (ed.)
Frankfurt am Main - Lang, 2002
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Amor, Stuart
Authenticity and authentication in language learning - distinctions, orientations, implications / Stuart Amor
Frankfurt am Main (etc - Lang, 2002
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Christie's (Londra)
European furniture, decorative objects and pictures frames - Wednesday 4 September 2002, London / Christie's
London - Christie's, (2002
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Christie's (Parigi)
Dessins et tableaux, bel ameublement provenant d'un appartement parisien - Paris, marti 8 octobre 2002 / Christie's
Paris - Christie's, (2002
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Christie's (Londra)
English and continental furniture, tapestries and works of art - London, 18 September 2002 / Christie's
London - Christie's, (2002
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Ellsworth Kelly - zwischen-Räume - Werke 1956-2002 - Ausstellung 15.9.2002-19.1.2003
Basel - Fondation Beyeler, c2002
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Pirjevec, Jože
Serbi, croati, sloveni - storia di tre nazioni / Jože Pirjevec
Bologna - Il mulino, (2002
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Sotheby's (New York)
Magnificent Jewels - New York, Wednesday 16, 2002 / Sotheby's
New York - Sotheby's, (2002 )
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David Claerbout - video works, photographic installations, sound installations, drawings 1996-2002
Brussels - A-prior, c2002
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The persuasion handbook - developments in theory and practice / (ed. by James Price Dillard, Michael Pfau
Thousand Oaks, CA - Sage, c2002
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Omerzu, Heike
Der Prozeß des Paulus - eine exegetische und rechtshistorische Untersuchung der Apostelgeschichte / Heike Omerzu
Berlin etc. - de Gruyter, 2002
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Robert Ryman
Zurich - Thomas Ammann Fine Art, c2002
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Mastronardi, Francesco
Storia dell'integrazione europea - l'Europa alla ricerca della propria unità - gli uomini e gli eventi, le istituzioni e le politiche, i simboli e le prospettive / Francesco Mastronardi
Napoli - Simone, 2002
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Banca d'Italia
Note sull'andamento dell'economia del Piemonte nel 2001 / Banca d'Italia
Torino - (s.n. , 2002 (Genova - Eos service)
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