Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2002 (4 di 6)

Pagina nr. 3913 di 4666       

Mix, Kelly S.
Quantitative development in infancy and early childhood / Kelly S. Mix, Janellen Huttenlocher, Susan Cohen Levine
Oxford - Oxford University Press, 2002
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Oliva, Gaetano
La scrittura teatrale nel teatro del Novecento / Gaetano Oliva, Serena Pilotto
Milano - I.S.U. Università Cattolica, 2002
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Campbell, John
Reference and consciousness / John Campbell
Oxford ; New York - Oxford University Press, 2002
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On leading change - a leader to leader guide / Frances Hesselbein, Rob Johnston editors
San Francisco - Jossey-Bass, c2002
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On mission and leadership - a leader to leader guide / Frances Hesselbein, Rob Johnston editors
San Francisco - Jossey-Bass, c2002
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Convegno internazionale di olivicoltura (2002 ; Spoleto)
Convegno internazionale di olivicoltura - celebrazione centenario dell'Istituto sperimentale per la olivicoltura - Spoleto, l'ulivo e l'olio - Spoleto, 22-23 aprile 2002 - atti
Spoleto (PG) - Istituto sperimentale per la olivicoltura, (2002)
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Hardin, Russell
Trust and trustworthiness / Russell Hardin
New York - Russell Sage foundation, c2002
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International Congress of Psychology (27. ; 2000 ; Stoccolma)
1- Cognitive, biological and health perspectives
Hove - Pychology Press, 2002
Incluso in > Psychology at the turn of the millennium - congress proceedings - 27. International Congress of Psychology , Stockholm 2000 / edited by Lars Backman and Claes von Hofsten
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International Congress of Psychology (27. ; 2000 ; Stoccolma)
2- Social, developmental and clinical perspectives
Hove - Psychology Press, 2002
Incluso in > Psychology at the turn of the millennium - congress proceedings - 27. International Congress of Psychology , Stockholm 2000 / edited by Lars Backman and Claes von Hofsten
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Bekoff, Marc
Minding animals - awareness, emotions, and heart / Marc Bekoff ; with a foreword by Jane Goodall
Oxford - Oxford University press, c2002
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Gerristen, Rupert
And their ghosts may be heard / Rupert Gerritsen
Freemantle - Arts centre press, 2002
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Welborn, Suzanne
Bush heroes - a people a place a legend / Suzanne Welborn
Freemantle - Arts Centre, 2002
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Hasluck, Alexandra
Georgiana Molloy - portrait with background / Alexandra Hasluck
Freemantle - Arts Centre Press, 2002
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Lilley, Keith D.
Urban life in the Middle Ages - 1000-1450 / Keith D. Lilley
New York - Palgrave, c2002
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Peasley, William John
The last of the nomads / W.J. Peasley
Freemantle - Arts centre press, 1983, reprint 2002
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