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Napoli - tipografia Cataneo, Fernandes e comp., 1830- Pubblicazione Periodica Miscellanee curiose, ed erudite Bologna - si vende da Floriano Canetoli, 1795- Pubblicazione Periodica 9- Miscellaneous biopolymers and biodegradation of synthetic polyners / edited by S. Matsumura, A. Steinbuchel Weinheim - Wiley-VCH, 2003 Incluso in > Biopolymers / edited by A. Steinbuchel Testo Monografico Miscellaneous non-inflammatory musculoskeletal conditions / F. Liote, E. Pascual guest editors (Amsterdam) - Bailliere Tindall an Elsevier, 2003 Incluso in > Best practice & research. Clinical rheumatology Testo Monografico Miscellaneous papers / Gronlands geologiscke undersogelse Copenhagen - Bagges Kgl. Hofbogtrykkeri, 1948- Pubblicazione Periodica Miscellaneous pubblications / Department of the Interior, United States Geological survey of the territories Washington - Government Printing Office, 1873- Pubblicazione Periodica Miscellaneous publication / United States department of agriculture, Forest service Washington - Department of agriculture Pubblicazione Periodica Miscellaneous publication / United States of America, Department of agriculture, Forest service Washington D.C. - US Government printing office Pubblicazione Periodica Miscellaneous publication of the National Institute of agro-environmental sciences Tsukuba - Nórin Suisanshó Nógyó Kankyó Gijutsu Kenkyúsho, 1986-2007 Pubblicazione Periodica Miscellaneous publications / University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology , N. 1(1916)- Pubblicazione Periodica Miscellaneous publications / University of Michigan, Museum of zoology Ann Arbor, Mich. - University of Michigan Pubblicazione Periodica Miscellaneous publications of the International tin research and development conucil London - International tin research and development council Pubblicazione Periodica Miscellaneous readings - english for political science / a cura di Giuliana Sguotti Padova - Libreria Rinoceronte, c2003 Testo Monografico (3)- Miscellaneous works of the late Thomas Young, M.D., F.R.S. 2 / edited by George Peacock Reprinted from the 1855 edition Incluso in > Thomas Youngs life and works / (George Peacock, John Leitch) Testo Monografico 6- Miscellaneous writings, 1828-89 Incluso in > Aesthetics and religion in nineteenth-century Britain / Edited and introduced by Gavin Budge Testo Monografico |