Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2003 (5 di 6)

Pagina nr. 814 di 4666       

Hacaturova, Svetlana
Self-study reference book / Svetlana Khatchaturova
Moscow - Moscow linguistic center, 2003
Incluso in > Russkij ekspress 1 - kommunikativnyj kurs russkogo jazyka dlja nacinajuscih / Svetlana Hacaturova
Testo Monografico

Hache, Olivier
La maitrise d'ouvrage publique / Olivier Hache et Jerome Godard
Paris - MB Formation, c2003
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Hachem, Mahmoud M.
Performance of circular reinforced concrete bridge columns under bidirectional earthquake loading / Mahmoud M. Hachem, Stephen A. Mahin, Jack P. Moehle
Berkeley - Pacific earthquake engineering research center, College of engineering, University of California, 2003
Incluso in > PEER Report / Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
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Hachen, David S.
La sociologia in azione - come leggere i fenomeni sociali / David S. Hachen jr. ; edizione italiana a cura di Paolo Almondo
Roma - Carocci, 2003
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Hachet, Pascal
Mio figlio si è' fatto una canna) / Pascal Hachet ; traduzione di Lorenza Tortorella
Roma - Edizioni scientifiche Magi, ©2003
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Hachfeld, Berit
Ecology and utilisation of Harpagophytum procumbens (Devil's claw) in southern Africa - results of the R+D project 800 86 005 / Berit Hachfeld
Bonn-Bad Godesberg - Federal agency for nature conservation, 2003
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Hachi, Slimane
Aux origines des arts premiers en Afrique du nord - les figurines et les objets modelés en terre cuite de l'abri-sous-roche préhistorique d'Afalou Babors, Algérie (18000-11000 ans BP) / Slimane Hachi
Alger - C.N.R.P.A.H., 2003
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Hachim, Mouna
Les enfants de la Chaouia / Mouna Hachim
Casablanca - (S.n.), 2003
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Hack, Margherita
Vi racconto l'astronomia / Margherita Hack ; in collaborazione con Loris Dilena e Aline Cendon
Milano - Mondolibri, stampa 2003
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Hack, Margherita
Una vita tra le stelle / Margherita Hack
Roma - Di Renzo, 2003
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Hack, Pierre
La philosophie de Kelsen - epistemologie de la theorie pure du droit / Pierre Hack
Bale (etc.) - Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 2003
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Hacke, Axel
Der kleine König Dezember / Axel Hacke
München - Der Hörverlag, 2003
Registrazione audio

Hacker, Andrew
Mismatch - the growing gulf between women and men / Andrew Hacker
New York (etc. - Scribner, ©2003
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Hacker, Barton C.
World military history bibliography - premodern and nonwestern military institutions and warfare / by Barton C. Hacker
Leiden °etc. - Brill, 2003
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Hackett Hobson, Pamela
Bronxville book club / Pamela Hackett Hobson
New York - iUniverse, 2003
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