Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2003 (5 di 6)

Pagina nr. 2577 di 4666       

Mitchell, Reid
La guerra civile americana / Reid Mitchell
Bologna - Il mulino, °2003
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Mitchell, Reid
La guerra civile americana / Reid Mitchell ; traduzione di Luisa Pece
Milano - Il Giornale biblioteca storica, 2003
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Mitchell, Rick
Brecht in L.A. / a play by Rick Mitchell ; with an introductory essay, an afterword and notes by the playwright
Bristol, USA - Intellect, c.2003
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Mitchell, Robert W.
Dschungel-Parade / Autor Robert W. Mitchell ; Illustration Hans-Gunther Doring
Ravensburg - Ravensburger ; (Olbernau) - Beleduc, c2003
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Mitchell, Sandra D.
Biological complexity and integrative pluralism / Sandra D. Mitchell
Cambridge - Cambridge university press, 2003
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Mitchell, Stephen
Come sposare un ranocchio e trasformarlo in principe / Stephen Mitchell
(Milano) - Sonzogno best seller, 2003
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Mitchell, Stephen A.
L' amore può durare - il destino dell'amore romantico / Stephen A. Mitchell
Milano - R. Cortina, 2003
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Mitchell, Wesley Clair
Types of economic theory - from mercantilism to institutionalism / by Wesley C. Mitchell ; edited with an introduction by Joseph Dorfman
New York - Augustus M. Kelley
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Mitchell, William J.
Me++ - the cyborg self and the networked city / William J. Mitchell
Cambridge (Mass.) ; London (England) - MIT Press, c2003
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Mitchiner, Michael
Indo-Greek and Indo-Scythian coinage / by Michael Mitchiner
Sanderstead - Hawkins Publications, 1975- .
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Miraggi e fantasmi - la transitorieta delle emozioni afflittive / Miten
Reggio Emilia (etc.) - AIET, (2003)
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Mitendo, Nkelenge Hilaire
Vers une sacramentalite du systeme matrimonial negro-africain - une analyse des concepts de contrat-alliance appliques au mariage / Nkelenge Hilaire Mitendo ; preface de Benezet Bujo
Fribourg - Academic Press, c2003
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Mithen, Steven J.
After the ice - a global human history, 20000-5000 BC / Steven Mithen
London - Phoenix, 2004
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Mitkowska, Anna
Polskie kalwarie / Anna Mitkowska
Wroclaw - Zaklady, 2003
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Mitnick, Kevin D.
L' arte dell'inganno - i consigli dell'hacker più famoso del mondo / Kevin Mitnick ; (scritto con William L. Simon) ; introduzione di Steve Wozniak ; traduzione di Giancarlo Carlotti ; consulenza scientifica di Raoul Chiesa
Milano - Feltrinelli, 2003
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